Chapter 1

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking



Y/N - "This is such a drag. I hate this shit."

Your best friends, Dwanye and Peggy, let out a sigh of exhaustion. You had been complaining about leaving the class all day, and it was getting slightly annoying.

Dwanye - "You're only going to another class, not another school. Chill."

Y/N - "Who the heck am I going to talk to? I don't know anyone there."

Peggy - "It's fine, you'll make new friends!"

Y/N - "Making new friends requires human social interaction. That sounds like a lot of work."

Dwanye - "Stop complaining and enter the goddamn classroom before I punch you."

Y/N - "How rude. Your punches are weak anyway."

Dwanye - "Just go in. We're leaving now."

Peggy - "You'll be fine! You got this!"

Dwanye and Peggy leave to go to their class, and you take a deep breath and collect your thoughts.

Y/N - 'They're right, I have nothing to be worried about. I should just go in and get the stupid introduction over and done with.'

Finally gathering up the courage, you slide the door open and enter the classroom. As you walk to the front, you keep your head down, anxious to make eye contact with the rest of the class.

Mr Iguchi - "Students, please meet your new classmate. She transferred from class 2."

You raise your head and you and the teacher's eyes meet. Noticing his somewhat perverted face, you get slightly startled at first.

Y/N - '......yikes'

Mr Iguchi - "Could you introduce yourself to the rest of the class?"

Y/N - "Um, yeah sure."

You turn around and face the class, feeling everyone's gaze on you.

Y/N - "I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you all."

Mr Iguchi - "Tell the class a little bit about yourself."

Y/N - 'Seriously? My introduction wasn't sufficient enough for you?'

Y/N - "Uhm... I'm from England, and I like videogames, sweets and watching TV."

Mr Iguchi - "Welcome to class 3, L/N. Please take a seat next to Kaidou. Kaidou, raise your hand."

A short light-blue haired boy raises his bandaged hand. You walk towards him and take the seat next to him.

Kaidou - "H-H-Hi I'm K-Kaidou!"

Y/N - "Nice to meet you, Kaidou."

The adorable boy blushes and averts his gaze.

Kaidou - "N-Nice to meet you too."

Whilst looking at him, you notice the red bandages on his hand, making you curious about them.

Y/N - "What's with the bandages? Are you injured?"

Kaidou - "Injured? Hah, no. These bandages keep my powers sealed. If I don't seal them, I could potentially destroy the world!!"

His sudden change in personality fills you with confusion. How'd he go from some shy kid to a confident, all powerful superhero?

Y/N - "....Come again?"

Kaidou - "I use these powers to fight against Dark Reunion, an evil organisation planning to sort mankind!"

You stare at him with a dubious look on your face, completely baffled about what he was rambling on about. However, you were still slightly curious about this fantasy of his.

Y/N - "Wow, sick. Tell more about them, enlighten me."

Kaidou blushes and his eyes light up, taken aback by your interest in the subject. Usually people would just make fun of him and mock him.

Kaidou - "Heh, gladly!"

As Kaidou rambles on about Dark Reunion, you try and actively listen to him but end up zoning out halfway through. Little did you know, a pink-haired psychic had his eyes on you at that moment.

Saiki POV

Saiki looks Y/N up and down, analysing her as she speaks to the light-blue haired boy.

Saiki - 'She seems completely normal. She doesn't appear to be a psychic or have any special power of some sort....

So why doesn't my x-ray vision work on her?'

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now