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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking

"Yare yare" - People speaking in English



School finally ended. You found simply making it through the rest of the school day to be a mission. After lunch, it took you all your strength not to breakdown in the middle of class. You didn't want to worry anyone, especially not Kaidou who'd flip out if he saw you in such anguish. You had already given your best friends, Dwanye and Peggy, a huge burden and you didn't want to hurt anyone else with your ridiculous issue.

After what seemed to be a long and arduous journey, you finally made it home. You entered your house quickly and ran upstairs to your room. Instantly, you buried your face into your pillow and tears streamed helplessly down, dampening your pillow in the process. You hated crying and feeling weak, but you couldn't stop sobbing like a baby. In fact, you were so absorbed in your attempts to stop weeping that you didn't even notice your father entering the room.

Dad - "...Y/N?"

Your head quickly shot up and your eyes opened wide. Before turning around, you quickly wiped your tears and tried making sure there was no sorrow detectable on your face.

Y/N - "Ah... Hi Dad."

Your father looks at you dejectedly; the inner corners of his eyebrows angle up, wrinkles forming in between them. You noticed how concerned he was for you.

Dad - "Are you alright? I saw you run upstairs and it seemed as if you were distraught."

Y/N - 'Way to make it obvious, Y/N.'

Y/N - "I'm fine, honestly. I just wanted... to sleep?"

You mentally facepalm after your unbelievably terrible lie. You knew he didn't buy it either, as your dad sat down at the end of your bed to continue the conversation.

Dad - "Bullshit. Is this about Kusuo?"

You grit your teeth and clench your fists a little. Were you seriously that easy to read? Apparently not to Kusuo, who couldn't even notice what was wrong. Or maybe he did, and he didn't care. You continued to imagine these various scenarios, not even answering your father.

Dad - "I'll take the silence as a yes. What's going on with you two?"

You sigh and think for a moment. It was awkward talking to your father about a relationship issue, but at this point you had nothing to lose.

Y/N - "...Stupid Kusuo keeps on hanging around with this other girl."

Dad - "Ah... Does he like her romantically?"

It takes a while for you to even think of an answer to that, since you didn't even know yourself.

Y/N - "I dunno. Maybe.?"

Your dad chuckles quietly at your ambiguity, to which you responded by glaring at him.

Dad - "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure he's not actually cheating. At least if he is he probably doesn't realise, the guy's a little emotionally handicapped."

Y/N - "Dad! Is this supposed to help!? You really suck at pep talks."

Your dad sucked his teeth in reaction to your slight ungratefulness - he was trying his best at least.

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now