Chapter 9

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking


Saiki POV

Saiki slowly opens his eyes from his "short nap". He attempts to sit up, but fails due to a weight holding him down.

Saiki - 'The hell?'

Saiki looks to his right and sees a fast asleep Y/N clinging onto him, face buried into his neck.

Saiki - '...Well.'

Not bothered enough to wake her up, Saiki looks at the alarm clock to his left.

Saiki - 'Shit!'

The alarm clock reads "9:00". The half asleep Saiki finally realises the "short nap" him and Y/N had taken was really over a 12 hour sleep. How his alarm hadn't woken either of them up baffled Saiki completely. Worried about being late for school, Saiki violently shakes Y/N to wake her up from her deep sleep.

Saiki - "Wake up, dumbass!"

Y/N quietly groaned in response, causing Saiki to get annoyed. Shaking her harder this time, Y/N finally flutters her eyes open.

Y/N - "Saiki? What's wrong?"

Saiki - "That so called nap during the study session lasted for over 12 hours. Now get up, we're late for school."

Y/N rubs her sleepy eyes and yawns, still trying to wrap her head around what's going on. She looks at the alarm clock and finally snaps out of her tired trance.

Y/N - "It's 9am!?"

Saiki - "Yes, it's 9 and we're late for school. Now get off of me."

Y/N finally realises she had been tightly hugging Saiki all night. Embarrassed, she quickly let's go of him and slightly blushes.

Y/N - "...Oops. Sorry."

Saiki gets up out of his bed and quickly packs his bag. Whilst the pinkette was busy rushing and getting stressed, Y/N simply looks at him, amused that he's worried over what she considered a trivial matter. Then at that second, a "great" idea came to her.

Y/N - "Saiki, let's skip school!"

Saiki - "...I beg your pardon?"

Y/N - "I said, let's skip school!"

Saiki - "Absolutely not."

Saiki knew that skipping school with a troublemaker like Y/N would eventually attract attention and cause rumours to rise, which is the exact opposite of what Saiki wants.

Y/N - "Don't be a buzzkill! It'll be fun, I swear."

Saiki - "I believe we have very different definitions of the word 'fun'."

Y/N pouts, annoyed at Saiki's constant stubbornness.

Y/N - "Think about it this way, we skip school and I can treat you to as many sweets and treats as you want."

Saiki - "We're not gonna ski-"

Saiki realises what Y/N just offered mid sentence, pausing in consideration. He finally comes to a conclusion after a while, angry at how easily he could be manipulated.

Saiki - "We skip and you buy me sweets. Done deal."

Y/N - "Great! You're really easy to manipulate when it comes to desserts."

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now