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Remus felt an ache through his whole body that caused him to ever so slowly open his eyes. He blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the early morning light, looking around to realize he was not in his dorm with the other boys. 

He looked down to see Greta curled up to his side, sound asleep. He smiled to himself as he watched her. It wasn't the first time that they'd fallen asleep like this, so he wasn't going to think of it as a big deal, even though he wanted it to mean more than it did.

He slowly brushed his hand along her face, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Gret time to wake up." he whispered softly

He did this a few times, shaking her shoulder ever so gently until she began to stir.

"Merlin my back hurts." she groaned as she opened her eyes.

Remus laughed slightly "You werent in the most comfortable position. Cmon we should head upstairs to get ready."

Greta stood up slowly, freeing Remus from his spot on the couch. She bent over to pick the book they were reading off the ground causing her back to pop a few times.

"I'm getting old." she joked causing Remus to smile and shake his head.

Greta smiled when she noticed the grin on his face. She took in the smile she loved oh so much, perhaps for a little too long before she realized she may have been staring. She quickly turned to hide the blush she felt creeping out from behind her ears.

"I'll see you in a bit." She called as she headed towards the stairs.

"Will do." Remus smiled as he headed up to the boys dormitory.

He quietly opened the door to the sixth year boys dormitory expecting the others to still be asleep, but to his surprise they were already up and dressed.

"Where have you been Mr. Lupin?" Sirius asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah Moony, where were you all night? A secret rendezvous?" James followed up also crossing his arms over his chest. Peter saw a pattern and decided to do the same, puffing his chest out slightly.

"Big word James look at you." Remus laughed pushing past the three to get to his trunk. "I fell asleep on the couch."

"Were you accompanied by a girl? Perhaps a girl related to our dear James..." Sirius continued as he followed Remus around the room. It took James a moment to realized who Sirius was talking about.

"You didnt get handsy with he-" 

"Of course not!" Remus replied quickly "We were reading, like we usually do, we both fell asleep, we woke up, here I am."

"But you want to..." Sirius said in a sing-song voice, trying to cause something.

"I do not." Remus replied sternly. "I see her as a friend and nothing more."

Peter finally decided to pipe up and add to the conversation "You look at her like you want to be something more."

"I have to agree with Peter on that." James said. "As much as it grosses me out, its obvious you fancy her."

"Has been for years." Sirius added.

"I dont know what you mean." Remus scoffed. "We're just close."

"Remus." the three said at the same time.

"Fine." he said quietly, looking away from the boys trying to hide the red that had found its way to his cheeks.

"It'll never happen, so you dont have to worry about that James." Remus said looking back up.

"Never say never mate. I dont hate the idea of the two of you together." James said clapping Remus on the back. "Now get ready so we can go down for breakfast."

Remus smiled at them slightly before closing the door to the bathroom.

"What are we going to do about them?" Sirius asked in a low whisper.

"Maybe we should let them figure it out themselves." Peter replied.

"Theyve been doing that the last how many years. Hasnt worked." Sirius snapped. 

"I have to agree with Peter on this one. They were younger before, still unsure, you know?" James added.

"Fine. But if nothing happens before the new year, Sirius is taking charge."

"I hate when you refer to yourself in the third person." James said with slight look of disgust on his face.

"Shut up it was for effect." Sirius said smacking James' arm.

"Whatever you say Pads." 

Just as their conversation came to a close, the bathroom door opened and Remus stepped out trying to flatten a piece of hair that was sticking up.

"Ready? he asked still attempting to fix the out of place hair.

"You bet." Peter said as he rushed to the door.

As Peter reached for the handle, the door swung open, knocking Peter in the head which sent him tumbling backwards.

"Oh Peter! Im so sorry I didnt mean to." Greta said with her hand cupped over her mouth.

The other boys were trying to hold back laughter but were failing miserably.

Peter rubbed his head before speaking "Its ok. Doesnt hurt too bad. Nothing breakfast cant fix."

He moved passed Greta and down the stairs and the other began to follow.

"Here Rem you have a hair sticking out." Greta said reaching up to smooth the hair down.

In a single swift motion the hair was no longer sticking out. "There we go." she smiled.

"Thanks." Remus replied returning the smile.

He looked up to see James and Sirius raising their eyebrows at him. He shot them a look and they immediately turned back around and continued downstairs.

Remus was unaware, but Greta saw the exchange and was rolling her eyes at her brother and Sirius' stupidity. Always trying to make something out of nothing.

Thats what she told herself at least.



thank you for reading!! im all ears for any suggestions you have so please feel free to comment xx

question of the day: favourite hp movie?

my answer: goblet of fire! the hair in it is everything right? i just think it was really well done and it was exciting action before the action stuff became mainly dark wizard related.

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