thirty eight

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The first week of March was dark and dreary. Nothing but grey skies and rain for the entire week. Outdoor classes were moved to classrooms where students would be given seat work much to their dislike, and qudditch practice was put off until further notice as the continuous down pour and high winds were unfit conditions for students to be playing in.

It was the seventh day of rain, thunder boomed and lightning would strike with no specific pattern. The marauders were scattered around the dorm, talking over the storm taking place outside the window, raising their voice instead of pausing when the thunder sounded.

"So no party then?" Sirius asked, hand clinging to his chest.

"Not my thing, you know this. I rather not make a big deal out of it."

"Remus its your seventeenth!" Greta shouted.

"Yes and I rather spend it with people I actually like and not a bunch of people I've hardly said three words to."

Remus' birthday was quickly approaching, less than three days away, and like every year he insisted they not throw a party like they do for the others.

"If thats what you really want..." James began.

"It is. Thank you very much."

"Okay, now that thats settled, I fancy some biscuits." Sirius announced, standing from where he lay on James' bed.

"Pete and I will come with you." James offered.

"We can all g-" Greta was cut off quickly by Sirius.

"No no. You two stay here. The five of us can barely fit under the cloak together even with Wormy as a rat. We'll be back soon."

With that the three were out the door, leaving Greta and Remus alone.

"That worked out well didnt it." Remus smirked as he leaned forward, pushing a piece of stray hair behind Gretas ear before kissing her. His hand trailed along the side of her face and down her neck where he rested his hand.

She grabbed a handful of his shirt as she deepened the kiss. It had been a couple days since they had a moment alone as the full moon was just two nights before, making it difficult to find time afterward as Remus recovered.

Greta was careful not to touch the spots where he was still bandaged, a spot on his upper right arm, his left wrist, the lower left side of his stomach, the right side of his chest, his left thigh, and the list goes on. All she wanted to do is be close to him. As close as physically possible, but with his tender state she knew she couldnt without hurting him.

Just as she pulled away to speak, the door flung open causing them to distance themselves further from each other.

"Forgot the map!" Peter explained as she rushed towards his nightstand, grabbing the tattered piece of parchment. "See you in a bit." 

Greta shot him a thumbs up. Peter smiled and closed the door behind him, leaving the room silent.

"That nearly gave me a heart attack." She said, holding her hand on her heart, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.

"Warning would be nice."

"When have any of us ever given any kind of warning?"


"It would be a lot easier y'know if w-"

"Not yet. Just a little while longer. Please."

"Its starting to seem obvious though dont you think? The slip ups, the close calls."

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