twenty nine

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The following two days at the Potters was everything but quiet. With all five of the marauders together there was bound to be playful arguments, layered conversation, interrupting, and a lot of loud laughter.

With all of that came secretive little moments between Greta and Remus which thankfully nobody noticed. It was the early days of their budding romance and they wanted to make the most of it incase one decided that they were better off as friends.

The short couple days flew by quickly, and the evening of January second Remus and Peter said their goodbyes, only parting from their friends for 17 hours until they were back on the Hogwarts Express together the following day.

This train ride to Hogwarts was less chaotic than earlier that year. They made a no throwing food into peoples mouth rule to prevent anyone, specifically Peter, from choking to death.

About halfway through the ride, Remus needed to "go to a prefects meeting" and exactly six minutes later, Greta had to "use the washroom". James, Sirius, and Peter being as clueless as they are bought it, completety unaware of the little rendezvous happening just a few carts down.

Greta looked around the car, making sure nobody was around before hitting her knuckles lightly on the door to the small bathroom five times. After her fifth knock, the door was opened and she stepped in to see a smiling Remus leaning against the wall, closing the door behind her.

"Funny seeing you here." he joked, intertwining their fingers.

Greta laughed, her eyes wandering to their connected hands. She loved the feeling of their hands together. The slightly rough feeling to his hands, the way they were significantly larger than hers, the way he would rub small circles on her hand with his thumb.

"Yeah, I was actually looking for someone else, but this is okay I suppose."

"Shove off." he chuckled, grabbing her face with his free hand, kissing her with more confidence than a few days ago. Remus loved kissing Greta. He loved the way they were so in sync with each other, when some of her cherry chapstick would be left on his lips, somthing she had started wearing since they began sneaking around so it wouldnt leave a stain like her beloved lip stick. He loved when she would run her fingers in his hair, pulling his face closer, forcing them to be as close as physically possible.

They both loved every second they were together, and as much as they wanted to tell the others about their relationship, they knew it was best to keep it between them for the time being, plus this added a different element of excitement to their relationship.

After a little while, Greta pulled away much to her dislike.

"I should head back, theyre gonna be wondering why I'm taking so long."

"Tell them there was a line." Remus mumbled, kissing along her jawline.


"I know."

Greta cracked the door open slightly, checking the car like before, then slipping out quickly, hurrying back to the compartment.

"Did you fall in or something? What took you so long?" James asked before she could even sit down.

"There was a line." she lied.

"Probably a bunch of year sevens shitting themselves with nerves." Sirius suggested jokingly.

"Thats gonna be us next year." Peter pointed out.

"I'm not nervous about leaving. Ive got everything figured out."

"Care to explain these plans, Pads?"

"Gladly my dearest Greta." he began dramatically. "I'm gonna be an auror. Im gonna be the one to put every member of the NoBle HoUsE oF bLaCk in Azkaban. Then I wait for Walburga and Orion to kick the bucket and I get all their money."

"What about Regulus?" James asked, Sirius clenched his jaw slightly at the mention of his younger brother. He had been trying the whole school year to get Regulus to talk to him but he would just ignore every one of Sirius' attempts. Sirius loved his brother and it was clear that Regulus loved Sirius just as much, but Sirius leaving that summer really strained their relationship. Definitely a mixture of hurt from Sirius' departure as well as guilt which would come along with disobeying his parents who most likely told Regulus not to speak to the one that brought shame on the Black name. 

In Sirius fashion though, he loosened up again before answering.

"If he continues with what my parents are certainly making him do, he'll end up in Azkaban with them. I still get everything. And if later he gets the sense the sense knocked into him and quits this dark wizard bullshit, we'll go halfsies."

"Good plan." Greta commented nodding her head. "I think I wanna work with dragons."

"DRAGONS?! ARE YOU INSANE?" James screeched.

"Ive told you this before!"

"I didnt think you were serious!"

"Thats because I'm Sirius."

"I hate you." James mumbled.

"I think you'll be a great dragonologist." Peter smiled.

"Why thank you Pete, Im glad someone has faith in me." she said shooting daggers at her brother.

"Its not that I dont have faith in you, I just rather you be alive than dragon dinner."

"Who's dragon dinner?" Remus asked as he entered the compartment, taking a seat next to Greta.

"Greta wants to be a dragonologist." Sirius explained.

"I know. Shes talked about it before remember?"

"Yes but I thought it was a 'this would be cool but I'd never do it' type thing." James answered.

"Dragons are safer to work with than dark wizards." Peter noted.

"Yeah! And I dont see you all worried about me!" Sirius pouted.

"Its because I'm a girl."

"IS NOT! Its because youre my sister and I want you to be safe."

"Then what do you want me to do? A professor? A book keeper? A stay at home mom?"

"Yes. Great options. Very safe."

"JAMES." the four shouted.

"Okay okay. Stop yelling at me. If you have a death wish and want to play with dragons, I fully support you."

"Thank you." Greta smiled.

The remainder of the train ride they talked about their futures, the careers they wish to pursue, what type of family theyd like to have, where'd they want to live. Greta and Remus both paying special attention to each others ideal life. As the train slowed and the view changed, the conversation switched to how they were going to torture Filch after two weeks off.

It was good to be back, and was going to be much easier for the new couple to sneak around... hopefully.

wc: 1076


back to school! I didnt realize ive done so many chapters covering holiday break but im excited to do more at school chapters. i have some things planned out but not all. let me know what you want to see more of in this. like more jily or in class stuff or idk anything you can think of and want to see in this story.

question of the day: do you think youd be a prefect?

my answer: no way! im not a trouble maker and i tend to sort of keep to myself and my friends so i dont think id be given a position like that.

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