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The first two days of the new school year had come and gone, the second much smoother and less painful than the first. She spent all of Thursday night chatting with Lily, Marlene, and Iris, their other dorm mate about eachothers summers and first day back, not sleeping till well passed when Greta was planning to go to bed.

On Saturday morning Greta woke up to find herself in the boys dorm, which wasnt unusual for weekend mornings as the group would stay up till early morning hours working on schemes, playing games, or just chatting, the previous night being no different.

She looked around the room seeing that James, Sirius, and Peter were all sound asleep, but when she looked beside her in the bed she was in, there was no one.

She quietly got up, exiting the dorm room and walked up the stairs to the window that sat at the end of all the dorm room, finding exactly who she was looking for, sitting on the window sill, smoking a cigarette.

"Those things cant be good for you." she said as she sat down across from Remus.

"Once in a while cant hurt can it?"

"I suppose. What are you doing up so early?"

She watched as he inhaled, then blew the smoke out the open window. She admired him as the golden morning sunlight glowed against his skin, highlighting every detail, every scar. She noticed his hands, how he held the cigarette delicately between his index and middle finger, whereas Sirius and James held it with their thumb and index. When he began to answer her question she snapped her focus away from his hands to look back up at his face.

"Couldnt sleep, full moons coming up."

"Thursday, right."

He nodded slightly in response, an emotionless expression on his face.

"Here give me that." Greta said leaning forward motioning to the cigarette which Remus gladly handed to her.

She held it between her fingers the way Remus did and brought it to her lips, inhaling slowly, almost immediately after she bagan to cough causing Remus to crack a smile.

"That was horrid." she coughed, handing the nearly burnt out cigarette to Remus.

"You get used to it",  he laughed. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldnt sleep either."

They sat in silence as Remus finshed the cigarette, tossing it out the window.

"Sirius' snoring somehow got worse over summer." 

"I know. I could hear him from my room in the summer. Had to get Dad to put a silencing charm on his room." she laughed.

"What exactly happened with Sirius over the summer?" Remus asked. "I mean I know his parents are brutal and he'd leave eventually... I just didnt want to push him to talk about it."

"He just showed up around midnight early on in the summer. James and my parents were long asleep and I went downstairs to get a glass of water when he came out of the fireplace with all his things. He was covered in cuts and bruises, worse than usual  and he just kind of collapsed and cried into my shoulder for a really long time before saying anything. When he did start to talk he didnt go into a lot of detail. Just said there was a fight, bigger than before, she was throwing plates and vases and shoes, really anything within her reach. Told him to leave and he was a worthless disappointment that she never wanted to see again. So he packed his things and left."

"Wow... I-I cant imagine what that wouldve been like for him. At least now hes safe and doesnt have to go through that again."

"Yeah. He just seems happier y'know. Like he always seems happy around us and other people, but it just seems more... real, if that makes sense."

"No it does. Ive noticed that too."

"Ive seen him emotional before because of his parents, but never to the extent he was that night. Its like that wall finally broke down."

"A wall he never should have had to put up in the first place."


Silence came once again between the two as the sun slowly rose higher above the trees, lighting up the grounds below, making the early morning dew sparkle.

"Hey Rem?" 


"Can I tell you a secret?"

Remus could feel his heart rate pick up.

"Of course you can."

"Um... its sort of silly but um..." Greta looked out the window and then back at Remus, then at her hands which were fiddling with the string on her pyjama pants. "Sirius and I kissed over the summer." she said quickly still not looking at Remus.

Remus' heart started beating even faster than before and he could feel his stomach drop. 

"Oh... uh. T-thats great. Are the two of yo-"

"No no. Its not like that." 

The smallest wave of relief washed over Remus, somewhat slowing his heart rate, but the pit in his stomach remained as Greta continued.

"We went for a walk in the garden one night while James was at quidditch camp, and he started to open up more, and then it just sort of happened."

"Do you fancy him?"

"Merlin no. He's too much like a brother, even more so now that we live together. I just needed to  tell someone. James probably wouldnt react too well and the girls would make a big deal out of it and Peter... Peter isnt someone I tell things to."

"Yeah I understand."

"Plus I trust you more than anyone in the world and I hate keeping things from you."

Especially this one thing Greta thought to herself.

"I wont tell anyone, I promise."

"Thank you." she smiled which he returned.

Remus' head was spinning. He wished that couldve been them in the garden, but what if she saw him the same way she saw Sirius? He felt a tinge of resentment for Sirius which he felt guilty about but couldnt help. 

Thoughts continued to flood his brain until Greta finally spoke, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"We should head back, theyre probably awake by now and you know theyll be pushing us out the door for breakfast."

"I suppose youre right." 

The two stood up and made their way back downstairs to the sixth year boys. Just as they approached the door it flung open and out came Peter, James, and Sirius still in their pyjamas.

Peter gave them a slight wave, looking absolutely exhausted while practically dove out of the dorm room.

"There you are. Breakfast awaits." James said as he passed them followed by Sirius.

"Morning." he yawned and continued out the door and down the stairs barely acknowledging the pair.

Maybe I shouldnt be worried. Remus thought to himself as he and Greta continued down the stairs behind the others.



i love window scenes so i might throw some in here and there but not as long. let me know what you think though :)

question of the day: favourite member of the Weasley family?

my answer: book ginny or fred and george! 

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