thirty seven

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Gretas knees were pinning Remus against his bed, her hands creeping up under his shirt gently as they kissed, taking advantage of the other boys three hours detention.

Greta was quite outgoing but also awkward and not usually one to be so forward, so for her to be so direct with Remus was somewhat surprising to him but he very much enjoyed it.
Her fingers found the faded as well as the rougher, newer scars along his stomach and chest, gently she dragged her fingers along each one, unnoticeably hesitating before she continued, wanting to make sure Remus was okay with it.
Eventually Remus' shirt ended up on the ground beside his bed, exposing his marked up chest entirely. The sun was starting to set, the room illuminated with its evening glow, every white mark slashed across Remus' skin shone lightly, which Greta noticed.

She sat up, still straddling Remus' hips as she looked down at him, her eyes wandering from his brown eyes which looked like deep pots of golden honey in the setting suns light, then down to his lips, his neck, his shoulders, his chest.
For the first time she saw the scars up close with her eyes, and not just touch. They all varied in size, all tilting at various angles. Her heart dropped at the thought of where they came from, but this worth did not show on her face.
Instead she smiled. She smiled as she felt each one, using both sight and touch to experience each scar. She smiled at how truly beautiful the boy below her was, his scars telling his life story without any words at all.

Remus watched her wordlessly as she did this, feeling more vulnerable than he ever had which scared him a little. He worried that she would find him repulsive, never wanting to touch him again after she really saw what a disaster he was. As he watched the smile creep onto her face, he knew she wasn't going to run from him, and his worry slowly dissolved.

He took in the feeling of her fingertips, tickling his abdomen ever so slightly, but he was careful not to move, not wanting to ruin the moment like he did a few weeks ago on Valentine's Day.

Her skin was soft, but her touch was softer, so gentle, so caring. With the hands rested on her thigh, he began to rub small circles with his thumb like he often did on her hand.

"What're you thinking about?" he asked.

Her head shot up at him, their eyes meeting before she responded.

"You. Your little solar system here." She replied, referring to his scar covered body as she ran her hand up his chest and onto his shoulder. "It's beautiful you know?"


"I'm glad you're comfortable enough to show me."

"You're okay with it? All of it?"

"I'd be stupid not to."

She leaned down, pressing her lips onto his, his hands travelling up to grip her waist, lifting her shirt slightly. He sat up so they were chest to chest with her still planted firmly on his lap. His fingers were hot on her exposed skin, she could feel it molding to his grip as his hands moved upwards.

Greta jumped when she heard a loud, familiar laugh outside the door, pushing herself off of Remus and him onto the floor next to his shirt out of view from the door.

Within seconds the door flung open revealing James, Peter, and Sirius all in loud conversation.

"Did you find it Rem?" Greta asked peeking over the side of the bed where Remus sat, quickly trying to put his shirt back on, trying to improv to the best of her abilities.

"What'd you lose?" Peter asked.

"Out of detention early?" Greta commented trying to change the subject to buy Remus time to find something to go along with her last minute plan.

"Yeah. Minnie got tired of us within the first hour." Sirius smirked.

"Tired of us! Can you believe that?" James added. "We're a delight!"

"Found it!" Remus said holding up a sickle.

"How'd that end up on the floor?" Sirius questioned.

"We were uh... trying to transfigure it into a galleon." Greta lied.

"Ended up shooting towards that wall, then ricocheted under the bed. Wasn't sure if it worked or not and clearly, it didn't." Remus added on, giving Greta a look after he finished.

"How come we never thought to try that?" James asked Sirius, hitting his arm with the back of his hand playfully.

"Well it didn't work so... thanks for wasting your time and not ours." Sirius joked.

Greta and Remus laughed, a hint of nervousness behind it which went unnoticed by the other boys in the room, already switching to another topic

"I think we could definitely make Mrs. Norris' hair fall out!"

wc: 812

finally i updated. sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoyed this one :) i'll try to update tomo night and on the weekend if i can. thank u sm for 2K!! it's so weird to think less than two months ago i was gonna write a bucky fic instead lol.

question of the day: what is ur fav horcrux?

my answer: the diary. i think is was so cool. like a soul was living in there!!

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