twenty two

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Greta woke early Sunday morning, startled by a nightmare involving dark wizards and her friends in danger. After calming herself from a panicked state, letting her breathing become steady once again and letting the sweat cool, she whispered lumos allowing her wand to light up. She made her way to the large book shelf taking up a large portion of the wall next to her door, skimming her finger along the spine of books on the shelf at her eye level, trying to decide which one she would use to distract her from the horrible dream she'd just had.

She hummed as she pulled a book out, her comfort read, Pride and Prejudice. She opened the book which was no longer stiff like it was when it was gifted to her two years ago by none other than Remus. He knew she loved stories that took place in the early 19th century, a time she wished she could experience for herself in all its glory, minus their lack of medical care. She pulled back the cover to the first page where Remus' neat cursive was scribbled.


 I've heard this was good and thought you'd like it, maybe we can read it together sometime when we're back at school. Merry Christmas!

Love, Rem

She smiled as she traced her finger over each letter, wishing her writing was as pretty as his. Greta could write neatly, but she failed miserably when it came to cursive which came out looking like she had gotten their owl to do it with its claws.

As she began to read, she wandered back to her bed, collapsing onto her back, holding the book straight above her face, using her wand to illuminate the page. Greta read until she no longer needed her wand to read the pages as the sun began to rise filling her room with its blinding light.

She stretched, arching her back on her bed before standing up, returning the book to its spot on the book shelft before she left her room, making her way to Sirius room, hoping he'd be up.

Sure enough, there he stood leaning out the window with a cigarette bewteen his lips.

"Morning G." he said without even looking back.

"Morning." she replied, laying down on his bed. 

"How long have you been up?"

"Few hours. You?"

"Same. You shouldve just come here."

"If I'd known I wouldve. Did you have a nightmare?"

Sirius was silent, which gave Greta her answer.

"I told you to come get me if you have nightmares."

"I didnt want to bother you."

"Sirius." she said sternly.

"Greta." he mocked.

"Did you want to talk about it?"

"Nope." he responded, popping the P, "do you wanna tell me why you wont just come clean to Remus?"


Sirius laid down above her, laying on his stomach to face her.

"Y'know youve never told me how long youve fancied him."

"And I dont want to."

"Why not?" he asked tugging her hair.

"Because it doesnt matter."

"If it didnt matter you would just tell me."

"I hate you."

"Just tell me."

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