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Saturday turned out to be a sunny, humid day and nearly every student was outside soaking in the sun before autumn rolled around.

The marauders spent the day by the Black Lake under the tree that they somehow had claimed as their own over the years.

Greta sat with her back against the tree, book in hand and watched as Sirius and James chased Peter around trying to grab him so they could toss him in the water which turned out to be quite the show. Although Peter had a somewhat short and stocky build, he could run, which clearly took James and Sirius by surprise.

Beside Greta, Remus was slouched in what looked like an extremely uncomfortable position, snoring quietly.

"Remus." Greta whispered as she shook his shoulder gently.

His snoring stopped but he didnt open his eyes.


"Youre going to have a sore neck if you keep sleeping like that."

"I know." he said groggily.

"Why dont you go back to the dorm. I'll come with you, I need change into some cooler clothes anyways." she said pulling at the sweater she was wearing.

"Ok then."

Remus opened his eyes fully and the two began to stand up, just as they did so, Sirius and James finally managed to grab Peter, tossing him like a log into the lake before jumping in fully clothed themselves, their splashes giving Peter a mouthful of water.

Remus and Greta both laughed as they walked away, heading up towards the castle.

"We'll be right back!" Greta yelled to the boys, Sirius being the only one hearing giving her a thumbs up.

"Quidditch tryouts tomorrow right?" Remus asked.

"Yeah. I'm not too worried considering who the new captain is." she laughed motioning behind them where her brother had Sirius on his back yelling "I'm the giant squid!"

"You definitely shouldnt be." Remus laughed. "And I mean, they arent going to find a another chaser nearly as good as you are."

"Oh shut up. Im just lucky James and I share the athletic gene. You'd think since I got all the other good ones I'd get the short end of the stick with this one."

"You should give youself more credit."

"I could say the same to you."

Remus shook his head. "We were talking about you."

"Well now we're talking about you." she said as she poked his arm.

"I'm ending this conversation."

"No youre not. Hey!"

Remus had starting running  down the corridors with Greta chasing after him.

"Thats really quite rude of you Moony!"

"I'm sorry, I thought the conversation was over." he called back sarcastically.

As they got to the staircase, Greta was able to catch up and grab his arm, bringing herself beside him once again with their arms linked.

"You need to learn how to accept praise."

"Cant accept it if I dont hear it."

Greta rested her head on his shoulder as they approached the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Pig Snout." Remus said, and the portrait flew open.

Greta unlinked their arms as they entered the common room, which Remus was somewhat disappointed about but knew it was going to happen.

"You go rest now, you need it." she said tapping the side of his face twice.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"I'll see you later." she repeated as they both headed towards their dorms.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Quidditch try outs went smoothly, Greta secured her spot as chaser for the fourth year in a row not only because James was captain but because nobody decent tried for the position. With only two new members on the team, a fifth year girl as beater and third year boy as their new seeker, Greta could tell it was a strong team with the potential of winning the quidditch cup.

The second week of school went by slowly with more work than necessary being assigned, especially for Remus with the full moon approaching.

"Here Moony we can take some of your work so you can rest." James offered.

"I'm fine. Almost done this then just the potions report and the one for um... charms I think."

"Youve written the same sentence three times mate." Sirius pointed out. "Cmon, take a break. We can handle it."

Remus got up from the desk and nearly collasped onto his bed, falling asleep almost immediately. With the full moon less than 24 hours away he could use all the sleep he could get.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Ready Dot?" Sirius said from the bottom of the stairs leading up to the girls dorm.

Greta smiled at the nickname referring to her animagus form, a eurasian wolf, which had almost a perfectly round nose, like a dot. She walked down the stairs to where Sirius, Peter, and her brother stood waiting to head to the shrieking shack where Remus likely was already, waiting for the moon.

"Gonna be a fun night." Greta joked as the group headed to the portrait hole.

"Just an absolute blast." James said with a sarcastic tone as he threw the invisibility cloak over the four.

"We barely fit under here anymore." Peter commented. He was right, all of the boys had grown taller over the summer holiday and even with them crouching it was likely anyone who passed them could see their feet.

"Maybe if you changed now Peter and I'll carry you." James suggested.

Peter nodded and within seconds a rat stood in his place. James scooped his up and they continued on their way.

As they entered the passage way leading to the shrieking shack, James tucked the cloak into his back pocket and then changed into his animagus form, as did Sirius and Greta.

Gretas wolf was slightly larger than Sirius' dog, her coat was several different colours of brown with patches of white on her stomach and face.

The group continued down the passageway and the sounds of painful screams turning to howls could be heard from a distance. Gretas stomach dropped as the sound filled her ears, knowing that its her sweet best friend going through that pain and she cant do anything to stop it.

When they arrived at the Shrieking Shack, the werewolf stood in the corner of the room clawing at its own arms.

Greta and Sirius both let out barks to try and shift the werewolfs attention towards them rather than itself. His head shot up, looking at the group of animals standing before it lunging towards them. Greta jumped towards the wolf tackling it to the ground assuring it wouldnt attack them. When the wolf let out a deep bark Greta got off allowing it to interact with the others. She sat down and watched as he and Sirius play faught around the shack. A sense of relief filling her knowing Remus' injuries wont be as bad tomorrow, unlike in the summer when they couldnt be there for him.

Greta couldnt wait for all of them to be of age so Remus would never have to go through another full moon alone again.



sorry this chapter is kind of choppy. i hope you still enjoyed though along with first few chapters. if youre some of the first readers, thank you so much for supporting this, it really does mean the world. xx

question of the day: what house are you in?

my answer: gryffindor, but when i retook the quiz i got hufflepuff. gryffinpuff i guess!

morning sun {r. lupin}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang