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"WHAT?" Greta and Sirius both yelled at the same time.

"You heard me. You both tied for last place"

It was 12:01am on October 31st, just hours away from the grand finale. Little to Greta and Sirius' knowledge, the other three worked together to get each other as many pranks as possible so the current reigning champs would have their turns as stars of the show.

"Thats not fair!" Sirius protested "no alliances, or group pranking till Halloween."

"Actually, we werent technically working as a group. We just allowed each other to get in as many pranks as possible on each of us." Remus explained.

"Shit." Greta mumbled.

"With the amount of detentions Sirius got, his points were sinking fast so really it wasnt difficult catching up to him." James said turning to Greta. "And since you had about a week of minimal activity, we used that to our advantage to get our points up far enough so when you picked up the pace again you wouldnt be able to catch up."

"I admire your work."

"Thanks!" Peter squeaked.

Greta shook James, Peters, then Remus' hands, then looked at Sirius who was sulking.

"Good game." 

"Thanks loser!" James mocked.

"Watch it" Sirius barked.

"C'mon itll be fun. At least we arent doing it solo."

"I suppose." 

"Ok now off to bed!" James instructed "Big day ahead of us."

Since the start of the year, they managed to haul an extra matress from the first year boys dorm up to theirs for Greta to sleep on when she slept over. In previous years she had slept in James' bed his feet at her head and vice versa, then she upgraded to the floor, then a quarter way through fifth year they found a cot which broke after Sirius tackled Peter onto it, so then she ended up sharing a bed with Remus, the least handsy and gassy person.

The five tucked themselves into their respective beds, and the lights went out, the glow of the moon dancing delicately through the window. Greta closed her eyes, but wasnt tired at all. After about 40 minutes, she sat up and turned around to look out the window, watching the stars glisten ever so slightly. 

She thought about all the times her and Remus would sneak onto the grounds in the middle of the night with the cloak. They'd climb their tree by the lake and watch the stars, Remus would smoke much to Gretas dislike, but she was always admired him as he did. Theyd point out constellations they knew of, and make up completely new ones together. Remus hated the moon, but loved the stars.


She snapped out of her daze quickly, her head snapping towards the bed beside her where Remus was propped up on one elbow.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No no. I cant sleep."

"Neither can I."

"Wanna go for a walk?"


The two quietly got up, careful not to wake the other three sleeping boys. Greta grabbed the cloak off of the desk, every within view, and her wand then made their way out of Gryffindor Tower. Before exiting the portrait hole, she threw the cloak over both their heads and pushed the painting open, light from the corridor making her squint slightly.

"Where to?" she whispered.

"Anywhere you want."

She grabbed Remus' hand for a reason she wasnt even sure of, and began pulling him along quickly behind her, walking slower while passing Mrs. Norris and Filch. She led them down the grounds and to the centre of the quidditch pitch. 

morning sun {r. lupin}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن