forty three

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"To the Potters!" Sirius yelled, glass raised as he stood on one of the several tables in the Gryffindor common room which was packed with students. In the party's earlier hours, students from other houses were in attendance but left before having to deal with Filch and Mrs. Norris.

The people who were listening either raised their own glass or cheered in response.

"That was unnecessary." Greta said as Sirius gripped her shoulder trying to stay balanced as he got off the table. After two drinks he could manage by himself, or simply jump down but add a few shots of firewhiskey on top of that and he wasnt nearly as graceful.

"It was completely necessary actually. They should know what theyre here celebrating." he said clapping both twins on the back.

"Well I appreciate it." James said emphasizing his words, earning an eyeroll and slap on the arm from his sister.

James and Sirius, as usual, had not paced themselves with their drinking and would most certainly be the ones hurting the most come the next morning. Peter had been on one drink the last couple hours, staying close to the table that had sweets and slices of cake cut for anyone who wanted some. Greta and Remus had both been cautious of their drinking, but were not completely sober either.

The whole night the couple tried to keep to themselves, people here and there approaching them to wish Greta a happy birthday. Apart from the loud chatter of the crowd and the muggle music playing from Sirius' radio, it was a quiet night for Greta and Remus.

"Lets get out of here." Greta whispered into Remus' ear, her voice giving him instant goosebumps.

"And go where?"

"I dont know. I'll grab the cloak, stay here."

"I'm coming with you."

"Remus, I'll be thirty seconds."

"Don't leave me down here alone."

"Look theres Lily, wait not shes going to bed. Peters all alone guarding the snacks, go keep him company. Or uh James and Sirius are... somewhere doing something." she peered around the room standing on the first step of the boys dormitory stairs to give herself more height. "They're setting cake on fire and catapulting it... maybe just come with me."

"Thank you." he sighed grabbing her hand as they made their way up the stairs.

Greta dug through her brothers trunk for the cloak before finally finding it at the very bottom. 

"Ready?" she asked, the cloak draped over her arm.

"Youre going to freeze in that."

Greta looked down at what she was wearing. A thin, long sleeve black shirt and blue jeans.

"I'll b-"

"No you wont. You were already cold down there I could tell." he turned and dug through his trunk and pulled out a thick brown zip up sweater. "Here. Now we can go."

Greta smiled at the sweater in her hands. Over the years of being around the boys all the time, she'd end up with their clothes a lot, especially when she slept over, but somehow this felt different than that. It was such a simple gesture that made her feel so protected and cared for.

"Thank you." she mumbled trying to hide her smile, quickly grabbing his arm and guiding both towards the door.

"See arent you glad I came?" 

"Shove off."

She threw the cloak over their heads as they walked down the stairs, not wanting anyone, especially the other three, seeing them leave the common room. They pushed open the portrait and made their way down the deserted corridors with not specific destination in mind.

Their hands tangled together as they walked, stopping everytime they heard a slight noise.

"I have an idea." Greta blurted out breaking the silence.

"Do share."

"Lets go to Hogsmeade."

"And what will we be doing there?"

"I dont know. Just enjoy the village at night. I've never seen it."

"Me either. Sounds brilliant."

Remus smiled and kissed her quickly before turning away to continue walking.

"Wait." Greta said, pulling him back into her to connect their lips again, this time much longer. Her one hand was full of his sweater, twisting it slightly at his chest, wanting him as close as she could get him while the other rested on his face. His hand was gently placed on the back of her neck, the other holding the cloak down in attampts to keep in over them.

"I nearly forgot we were alone." Greta laughed quietly.

"Finally." Remus added, joining in on her quiet laughter.

They continued down the corridors together to the entrance of the Shrieking Shack, throwing rocks at the knot to calm the Womping Willow.

"Ready?" Greta asked before entering the hole.



hi! sorry this was sort of uneventful. a couple people have messaged me and given some suggestions of what they want to see so im going to incorporate those into future chapters between now and my desired end to this story. also we are at nearly 22k reads???? thats unbelievable!!! this book is now three months old and its crazy that so many people have read it already! im sorry i havent been updating as often as usual, i really will try to get more out. ive been reading all the comments everyone has left on certain parts of the story or as answers to the question of the day and it makes me so so happy so thank you sm for doing that!!!

question of the day: favourite show atm?

my answer: young royals!!! ive rewatched it idk how many times with the dub, without the dub and with subtitles, swapping back and forth. in love with the story and characters and just everything about it. also the fact that wille is unlabelled makes me so happy because there isnt a lot of that represented in media. idk just watch if you havent i swear youll love it as much as i do.

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