thirty two

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Greta woke, slowly cracking her eyes open, then quickly shutting them once again. Her ears rang and her head pounded. She had never felt this awful in her life. She began to feel the surface she was on, most definitely a bed, but there were some elements that were not very bed like. 

The sound of quiet groaning filled her ears and it hit her what she had been sleeping on. She was right about the bed part, but the unknown she now realized that her body was tangled with another, the only person who she knew it could be was Remus. 

As she peeked her eyes open once more, seeing the waking boy, it confirmed her suspicions. She tried to untangle herself from him, worried about his comfort as he was probably in the same state she was, but as she began to move slightly, he pulled her tightly, muttering a quiet "no", without even opening his eyes.

She happily stayed put, loving that they were close, that despite her pain filled state, she got to wake up with him like this. Greta closed her eyes, nuzzling her head closer to Remus' before drifting off to sleep again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Whats all this then?!"

Greta woke for the second time that day, this time much different than the first. She shot up, immediately regretting her decision as the pressure in her head made her extremely dizzy. When her vision came into focus she saw a tired looking Sirius, staring at her.

"Whats what?"she heard James groggy voice say from his bed.

"Gret and Moony got quite close last night." Sirius grinned.

"We're both active sleepers." Greta shrugged.

"Sure you are." 

"Who's what?" Remus had finally woken, propping himself up on his elbows, squinting slightly.

"You and Gret are dating." James joked, still laying in his bed.

Both Greta and Remus forced a laugh which was more a nervous laugh than anything.

"Just like you and Lily are dating." Remus shot back, silencing James immediately.

"What time is it?" Greta asked in attempts to change the subject.

"Nearly two." Peter piped up from his bed, surprisingly doing school work from the looks of it.

"I should go change then. The smell of day old firewhiskey isnt helping my head." Greta started, standing up carefully and making her way to the door. "See you at dinner."

With that she shut the door behind her as a chorus of goodbyes from the boys could be heard up until the door was sealed. She dragged herseld across the empty common room as everyone was in class at this point, then up the stairs to her own dorm. She pushed the door open, expecting an empty room to change and sleep in, but instead she was met with Iris kissing Victoria Harlen.

Gretas eyes widened, she wanted to get out of there before the girls realized an unexpected visitor had arrived, but it was too late. Iris had basically shoved Victoria off of her and onto the floor from the bed, both making eye contact with Greta.

"Im sorry! I-I wont tell anyone, I'll just be going, Im sorry to intrude." Greta stammered quickly before shutting the door. She could hear quick footsteps approaching on the other side, then the door swung open again.

"Greta wait!" Iris called.

Greta stopped dead in her tracks and whipped around from where she was in the hall to face Iris.

"Iris Im sorry I didnt know, I shouldve knocked."

"N-no. I just. I shouldve told you sooner and I guess its better you know now."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm gay." Iris stated bluntly. " Victoria is who I've been seeing these last couple years. It feels so good to finally say that." she sighed. "I just hope that you can accept me."

Greta pulled Iris into a tight hug, speaking as they embraced. "Of course I do! I just want you to be happy and with someone thats good to you."

They pulled away both smiling.

"Do you think you can help me tell the other girls later?"

Greta nodded happily. Happy that Iris finally wanted to share this part of herself with them, that Iris knows she knows now without Greta having to explain the map and how she actually found out.

"Ill leave you two now. Sorry again for barging in."

"I think it was a blessing in disguise." Iris smiled before turning back to their room,  before shutting the door,  Greta made her way back to the marauders dorm.

She opened the door to find the four boys almost exactly as she left them just minutes before.

"Back so soon?" Remus asked, smirking slightly.

"My dorm is occupied."

"Not because of Lily right?" James shot up, stress noticable on his face.

"Yeah. Walked in on her and that Ravenclaw that asked her out last year that you threatened to kill."



"No yelling." Sirius mumbled, his hand pressed against his forehead dramatically.

"Sorry." the twins muttered.

Greta sat herself on the end of Remus' bed, a smile spread across her face at her conversation with Iris, glad her friend was truly accepting who she was and was willing to share it.

wc: 836


sorry this was shorter than usual. i worked all day then had a family dinner and had a lot of wine but wanted to put a chapter out really bad so here it is!

question of the day: have you ever skipped school for a dumb reason?

my answer: yeah.. i hid in the bathroom during french and played roblox so i wouldnt have to present. was pretty fun but kinda smelly.

morning sun {r. lupin}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora