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"I cant believe you have a date! Not that I think youre not datable of cours-"

"I know what you meant Lil its okay." Greta laughed as she applied mascara.

"William is quite the catch." Marlene said "maybe I'm biased but I always thought itd be you and Remus getting together."

"Me too." Lily agreed.

"Remus and I are only ever going to be friends. I decided before school started that I no longer have a crush on him, and now I have a date. This is a sign that I'm doing the right thing."

"Thats a great mindset, I'm glad your finally moving on." Lily said riasing and eyebrow to Marlene trying to get her to show her support.

"Yeah this'll be a good thing." Marlene added. 

"Thanks guys." Greta said turning around on the bench infront of the small vanity. "Now what should I wear?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Remus woke up already in a bad mood knowing it was the day hes been dreading since the second he heard the news. 

Of course he wanted Greta to be happy, but he wanted to be the one that made her happy and now his chance was over. He stared at the canopy above his bed, thinking about if he hadnt been so scared to tell Greta how he feels, maybe he wouldve discovered she feels the same.

Unlikely. he thought to himself

He wished that he could been more like Sirius, had his confidence. He has never hesitated to ask someone out. Sirius has never had actual feelings for someone though, Remus reminded himself. On the other hand, James truly seemed to be in love with Lily and made that quite obvious to not only her, but the whole school, which drove Lily away. Maybe telling Greta would do the same and he should just move on. Thats never going to happen. Perhaps Remus Lupin would always be doomed when it came to love.

Remus sighed and sat up and let out a sigh before throwing his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. He stretched and cracked his back, always managing to sleep in the same position thats comfortable at the time but makes him ache in the morning.

"Morning Moony." James said as he came out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.

"Youre up early."

"Hogsmeade day. Gonna try to score a last minute date with Evans."

"Didnt you ask her yesterday in Transfiguration? And the day before that at breakfast? And then two days ag-"

"Ok I get it. But maybe shes changed her mind."

"Doubtful." Sirius chimed in from his bed, just waking up to a conversation that has happened on more than one occasion.

"Oh shut up!" James snapped.

"Maybe if you just backed off a little she'd find you tolerable, then in the future she might give you a chance." Remus suggested.

"I dont think thatll work."

"Moony might be right James. Just give it a shot." 

"Fine." James said quickly. "Gretas big day today. As much as Ive been bugging her about it, Im excited for her."

"Yeah me too. You feeling any better about it?" Sirius asked Remus.

"I uh- yeah. Im happy for her. I think its time for me to move on anyways." Remus rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground.

"How long have you fancied her exactly?" James asked as he sat on his bed pulling white socks on.

"Not that long really."

"Oh cmon Remus, its not like its been a couple months or something." Sirius pushed.

Remus was about to speak when Peter let out a mighty snore, so loud, he woke himself up.

"Morning Pete." Remus said trying to end the conversation he and the other two boys were having.


Peter was quickly cut off by James.

"Yes good morning, hello, how'd you sleep? Fantastic. Thats great. Remus answer the question."

"What question?" Peter asked.

"How long have you fancied my sister? Dont be embarrassed, youve all watched me drool over Lily the last how many years."

"End of first year." Remus blurted.

The other three boys eyes widened, all looking at Remus who was red as a beet, refusing to look away from his hand which was playing with a loose string on his navy blue tshirt.

"I didnt think it was that long." Sirius said quietly. "Howve you just kept it to yourself?"

"It was just a silly childish crush, I mean we were like 12. But then it just kind of went on and it grew... I didnt want to ruin our friendship, and I was worried you'd be mad." he said looking up at James. "I just didnt want to make things weird in the group."

"I would have never been mad. Out of everyone in the world, I know nobody would treat her as well as you would and already do, even just as friends."

James stood up and made his way to Remus, pulling him into a hug.

"I know how you feel and I'm sorry. Dont give up though." James said just loud enough so only Remus could hear. Remus nodded and James clapped his back and pulled away.

"Maybe this guy will turn out to be an asshole." Peter said breaking the brief moment of silence.

"Lets hope hes not, for Grets sake." Sirius laughed.

"Yeah." Remus agreed, a slight smile on his face. 

He felt a sense of relief finally telling his friends what hes been holding so close to his chest for such a long time. Sure they already knew he fancied Greta, but he had never told anyone how long because he thought theyd think he was pathetic for never trying to make a move, or think he was a creep. James' words gave him the impression that he doesnt think things with William will work out which, despite how guilty Remus felt about it, made him sort of glad.

Maybe Remus had a chance.

wc: 970


this chapter was one of the shorter ones, very Remus focused so i hope that was ok. next chapter will probably be a mix, but mainly greta focused because of her date. what sort of person do you think william is? i sort of have an idea but im still gonna play around with things. thank you for reading!!!

question of the day: comfort characters?

my answer: remus and sirius are my main, the twins are my secondary 

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