thirty four

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The grounds were covered in a thin layer of snow, unmelted and fresh, glimmering in the light from the sun attempting to peak out from the clouds. The groups boots crunched in the packed down snow as they trekked to the small village, the journey filled with chatter and of course laughter.

As they walked, Greta and Remus tangled their fingers, together then apart then together again as they walked, continuing the pattern the whole way there. Their little exchange went completely unnoticed by the others who walked ahead of them slightly as they conversed.

The marauders first stop, as always, was Honeydukes. They went their separate ways, all b-lining to their preferred candy. Greta on the other hand, stayed with Remus as they wandered over to the wall full of every kind of chocolate imaginable. Some was mixed with other candies, while few were topped with bugs. Remus stuck with classic chocolate and chocolate with nuts.

"I was thinking..." Greta started, scuffing the bottom of her black boots on the wooden floor.

"What were you thinking?" Remus asked, as he skimmed through the chocolate bars, taking several from the back.

"That we should have dinner Monday night, like you suggested. Candles and fancy dress, the whole thing."

Remus whipped around as if completely shocked by her words. "You're joking."

"I'm s-e-r-i-o-u-s"

She went through the trouble of spelling it out as she didn't want Sirius to overhear. When it came to this ongoing joke, he had a sixth sense or something, somehow always knowing when it was said not matter how far away. The summer before he moved in with the Potters, Greta had asked James if he was Sirius during an argument and two days later a letter from Sirius arrived only containing a single sentence, "No, I'm Sirius." Of course it could've been a coincidence, as he probably assumed by mid summer they would've slipped up and said it at least once, but the twins weren't so sure.

A smile formed on Remus face, he was glad she had finally come around with the Valentine's Day stuff she had always hated. 

"What made you change your mind?"

"You." she grinned. 

He leaned towards her slightly, his lips just centimetres away from her ear before he whispered so only she could hear. "I want to kiss you so bad right now."

Greta scanned their surroundings quickly, it was still early and not many students were there yet, and none were in that aisle. In a quick motion, she grabbed the collar of his jacket and pressed her lips against Remus', pushing him away after a split second. He shook his head, chuckling to himself quietly as he turned back to the chocolates, grabbing a few more before they headed to the cash.

"Fancy seeing you here!" James joker as he got in line behind them.

"A shame really." Greta shot back, earning a punch in the arm from her brother.

"Not getting anything Gret?" Sirius asked as he set down the candy on the counter that he had been cradling like a baby.

"I still have three quarters of the candy you lot got me for Christmas. I probably won't finish it before the summer."

"Yet you still ask me for a piece of mine every time I pull it out." Remus complained.

"No comment." Greta replied, not making eye contact with any of them.

。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

The Three Broomsticks was beyond noisy when the five arrived around 1pm. Every table and seat at the bar was occupied by Hogwarts students, many of which appeared to be on dates, celebrating an early Valentines.

"Maybe we should just go to the Hog Head instead, they'll have a table." Peter suggested.

"Over my dead body." Sirius said, quickly squashing Peters idea.

"Look they're about to leave." Greta pointed to a booth tucked away in the back of the pub, already making her way to the table. James nearly pulled the last person, a third year, out of the booth as they were trying to scoot out,

"HEY!" the boy shouted, shooting the whole group a dirty look before leaving.

"That was unnecessary." Remus commented.

"It actually was very necessary. That kid was taking his sweet time." Sirius added.

"But-" Greta began but was quickly cut off by James.

"Moving on! Five butterbeers and two plates of chips?"

"Three plates of chips." Peter corrected.

James gave him a thumbs up before he and Sirius went over to the bar to order. Shortly after they returned with five butterbeers and three plates of chips. They spent their remaining time in Hogsmeade talking and joking over drinks in that back booth at The Three Broomsticks.

Under the table, Remus' hand rested on Gretas thigh, drawing circles with his thumb. Greta loved that he was more comfortable touching her, as earlier in their relationship, he'd be worried about holding her hand without asking.

 As he spoke, she watched him talk, not even taking in what he was contributing to the conversation. She studied the movement of his jaw with every word, the changing shape of his lips, the change of expression throughout the sentence. Without thinking, she reached to him and pushed a piece of his hair out of his eyes. His head snapped towards her, as did everyone else's.

"What w-" Sirius started

"Sorry. I-It just looked like it was getting in your eye a little." she explained, trying to sound casual.

"Thanks." he nodded, then returned to conversation, as did the others, seemingly satisfied with her explanation. It was just a friendly gesture. Nothing romantic about pushing hair out of a friends eye and she guessed that the boys thought of it that way too.

When they were making their way back up to the castle, Greta and Remus once again walked slightly behind the others on the path.

"I'm sorry." Greta whispered as James, Peter, and Sirius were arguing about their favourite quidditch players.

"Don't be." Remus smiled, bumping her shoulder lightly. "I love when you do that."

"But the-"



The two joined the argument taking place ahead of them, Greta agreeing with James, while Remus had no idea who any of the people they spoke about were.
He loved seeing Greta argue though so he didn't mind at all.

wc: 1058
hey! i wrote this on my phone so idk about the formatting and stuff cuz usually i do it on my computer. i'll go on and fix it later thought i just wanna get this published. hope you enjoyed!

question of the day: would you ever go to the Hogs Head?
my answer: maybe. i'd like to just to say that i have ig.

morning sun {r. lupin}Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu