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November came and went, the snow had melted after several  days of rain at the months tail end, leaving the grounds covered with grey slush and mud. December began gloomy but the holiday spirit that filled the halls of Hogwarts made up for it. Decorations filled the corridors and common spaces, which seemingly lifted everyones down moods from the dreary weather, or perhaps it was just the excitement of Chirstmas being just around the corner, two weeks free of school work and house rivals. The Christmas spirit stopped at the door of the classrooms though as the professors piled on as much work as they could before the break, their tolerance shorter than any other of time of the school year, clearly needing the break themselves.  

Greta adored Hogwarts at Christmas time, the feasts were by far the best, the decked out halls, the numerous trees across the school, but none of it compared to Christmas at home with her parents, James, and now this year, Sirius.


"Wait Rem dont add tha-"

A large cloud of smoke shot from the cauldron infront of Remus and Greta, leaving both of them covered in black ash.

"My bad." 

"Miss Potter, Mr Lupin, why dont you go clean yourselves up." Slughorn chuckled. Two of the brightest students in the class messing up seemed to be quite funny to him, along with the rest of their classmates who quietly snickered as they left the classroom.

"Greta Im so sorry, I was completely out of it I shouldve been paying more attention to what I was do-" Remus' fast spoken apology was cut off but Gretas loud laughter. "Whats so funny? I just embarrassed both of us."

"Im sorry." she wheezed. "I cant take you seriously when you look like that."

Remus then began laughing, picturing what he might look like based on how Greta did. The front of her hair was standing up completely straight, black ash dusted her face and white collared shirt which she had rolled up to her elbows, tears from laughing made small streams down the black smudge on her face. 

"Lets get out of here cmon."

The two walked back to Gryffindor Tower, using the marauders map, which luckily Greta had from a late night trip to the kitchens the evening prior,  to avoid anyone coming their way in the school, not wanting more people to see how ridiculous they look during their long walk from the potions class in the dungeons. As they were nearly halfway to their destination, a name on the map caught Greta's attention.

Iris Trodger

Something that really sparked Gretas curiosity was why she was in a closet so close to Victoria Harlen, a Slytherin their year? 

Then it hit Greta. Iris never told them about the mystery boy she had been seeing for so long, infact, Greta couldnt remember Iris ever specifically saying it was a boy she was sneaking around with. This is why she wouldnt tell us who it was. Maybe Iris thought they would shun her for being in a relationship with a Slytherin, or what was more likely her thought process, they wouldnt accept her for being with a girl.

Gretas mind raced, a sick feeling contaminating her stomach because her friend felt like she needed to hide a huge part herself for so long. Was Iris really scared they wouldnt accept her, even after everyone was so accepting of Sirius being bi? 

What seemed like a million thoughts flooded Gretas mind as she and Remus climbed the moving staircase, nearing the portrait of the Fat Lady. Should she bring this up to Iris? Probably not because then she'd have to explain how she found out. Maybe she could hint at it in conversation hoping Iris would pick up on it. No, she wouldnt want to make her uncomfortable and force her to come out if she truly isnt ready.

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