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"You should be sent to Azkaban for making practice this early on one of two days we have off." Sirius groaned at the breakfast table, eyes barely open.

"I told you to go to bed early but you never listen to me Pads now do you?" 

"James, you went to bed at half after seven." Greta pointed out.

"And I'm well rested unlike the two of you."

James raised his eyebrows waiting for a response from either Greta or Sirius who were sitting across the table from him, both struggling to sit up straight.

The Great Hall was dead at quarter after five in the morning. The only people there were those on the Gryffindor quidditch team dispersed along the benches of the Gryffindor table. There wasnt a large amount of chatter, the only sounds being the clanking of silverwear which echoed through the empty hall. 

"Eat up, practice starts in ten minutes!" James said standing up from the bench and heading out of the hall. "TEN MINUTES!" he yelled to the rest of the team before disappearing behind the doors.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As practice went on, the team seemed to become more awake and alert which James was very pleased about. Around 7, the Ravenclaw team began to file in signaling that practice was over for the Gryffindors.

"Great work today! Next week try to get more sleep beforehand." James yelled as everyone began landing and dismounting their brooms. "William." James nodded to the Ravenclaw captain who nodded in return as James passed.

William was a sixth year as well and had been in many classes with the marauders over their years at Hogwarts. Greta had sat with him often in classes that she didnt share with her friends and actually got to know the boy quite well. He was tall, shorter than Remus but taller than James, light brown hair that was slightly curly, tan skin, big dark brown eyes. Greta had always though he was handsome, along with many other girls at Hogwarts. Though he wasnt as chased after as Sirius, he had to be a close second.

"Hey Greta!" William said with a smile.

"Will! Have you finished the astronomy paper yet?" Greta asked.

"Honestly, I havent even picked what constellation I want to write about yet, have you?" 

"Well Sirius was very persistent that I wrote mine on Sirius, which in his unbiased opinion, is the best one."

The two laughed as someone on the Ravenclaw team called to William.

"I should get going, I'll see you later." Greta said turning around starting to walk to the change rooms.

"Greta wait." William said quickly, causing her to turn back around to look at him. "I uh- I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?"

"I'd love to." she smiled, which clearly calmed the boys nerves.

"Great! Ok. I look forward to it!"

"Me too. Have a good practice."

William nodded with a smile and mounted his broom, heading towards his team who were all in the air waiting for their captains instructions.

Greta walked to the now empty change room with a smile on her face. She'd been asked on plenty of dates, mainly by Sirius in third year, but she'd never accepted one before. She quickly got changed and left the change room, immediately being greeted by James and Sirius.

"What was that with William?" James asked.

"Did he ask you out?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"None of your business." Greta said pushing past the two.

"None of MY business? We are practically the same person, your business is very much my business."

"And James business is my business which also makes this my business."

"Youre both pathetic y'know."

"So he asked you out." Sirius said. "Hogsmeade next weekend?"

Greta said nothing and kept walking.

"First Hogsmeade trip of the year and youre ditching us for a boy. Unbelievable. Can you believe this Padfoot?"

"I honestly never expected this from our sweet Greta. Really shows her true colours."

"Oh you hush. Youve ditched us plenty of times to go snog someone." Greta retorted.

"Never for a full day!"

"Its the first date I've ever been on! Let me live. I bet Moony and Peter will be happy for me."

"Dont be so sure about Moony." James mumbled.

"Pardon?" Greta whipped around facing her brother.

"Its not that we aret happy for you, we just want to protect you." Sirius said throwing an arm around Gretas shoulder.

"I'll be fine. Williams a great guy."

"If he turns out not to be..." James tapped his fist on his opposite palm "he'll be dealing with me."

"Ok Mr. Tough Guy." Greta laughed as they approached the Fat Lady portrait, it swinging open before they could even say the password.

"Morning." Remus greeted the three, Peter following his close behind. "Heading to breakfast, care to join?"

"I could never say no to a second breakfast." Sirius said turning himself and Greta around to head back down the stairs. 

"Gret has a date next weekend." James blurted out.

Remus could feel his heart sink. "T-thats great. With who?"

"William Quaint." Sirius answered.

"The Ravenclaw?" Peter asked.

"Yep." Greta said popping the P.

She looked at Remus and could tell his cheeriness from just moments ago had faded, assuming he had the same concerns as her brother and Sirius. She removed herself from under Sirius' arm, and walking beside Remus.

"How are you feeling today?" she asked him, changing the subject.

"Really good actually." he replied with a smile.

This was partially a lie. Up until about a minute ago when he found out Gretas date, he felt really good. Now he felt like absolute shit.

"Thats good I'm glad. This one didnt seem as bad as the rest."

"Yeah, it'd be nice if they were all like this. That'd be bearable."

"Thats what we're here for." 

"I know. Thank you."

Greta smiled weakly at Remus as they entered the Great Hall. He didn't even feel like eating anymore, he just wanted to be alone. He hated that he was so upset over Gretas date, he wanted to be happy for her so bad but couldnt force himself to be. 

He always knew they would only ever be friends, but he still had a little bit of hope that she possibly felt the same as he did. Now with this date, it just confirmed that that hope was just a figment of his imagination.

wc: 1037


new love interest!!! i have a solid idea of what i want to happen between her and william and ive actually worked out a good timeline of events i want to happen. thank you for reading :)

question of the day: what quidditch position would you be?

my answer: chaser, i used to play softball so i have a good arm lol

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