twenty five

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Dinner went over well,  Greta seemed to have charmed the Lupins as they both continuously asked her question after question, hardly letting their son get a word in. Remus didnt mind though, he loved seeing Greta being her chatty, funny self with his parents. She seemed to know just what to say to every question and comment thrown at her, the smile never leaving her face. She told them many stories about qudditch, their less extravagant adventures at Hogwarts, what classes she enjoys as well as dislikes and how fond she is of Remus causing the boy sitting across from her to turn a bright shade of red which only she seemed to notice.

As they all finished eating nearly an hour later, Greta helped Mrs Lupin clear the table, leaving Remus and Lyall alone in the dining room.

"I like her a lot, seems like a great girl." Lyall whispered to his son, patting him on the back.

"I knew you would, shes hard not to like."

"Are you two..."

"No no. We're just friends, Ive told you this before."

"But is that how you want things to be?"

"Yes actually. Im perfectly content with being friends with her."

"Yeah it sure sounds like that." his father said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "I think shes good for you."

Greta and Mrs Lupin returned to the dining room, both laughing quietly about Merlin knows what.

"It was so lovely chatting with you." Mrs Lupin said placing a hand on Greta shoulder.

"And with you, dinner was amazing, thank you so much." Greta smiled.

Remus stood up from his spot at the table, motioning to go back upstairs.

"Thanks for dinner." he called as he and Greta left, through the living room and up the stairs.

As soon as they got to Remus' room and shut the door Greta sighed, throwing herself onto his bed.

"How'd I do?" she asked, hand on her forehead.

"Fantastic, they both love you." he replied, laying down beside her, feet still planted on the floor.

"Youre just saying that."

"I am not!"


"Greta Im serious. You have nothing to worry about they adore you."

"Okay. Good. Thats a huge stress off of me."

They laid in silence for a few moments, a comfortable silence but one both wanted to break, neither one sure what they should say though. Finally Greta spoke up, turning on her side to face Remus.

"Do you remember Sirius' birthday?"

"Hardly." he started, turning to face Greta. "Why?"

"You remembered us talking right?"

"Yeah but you said I was just saying a bunch of nonsense."

"I lied."

Remus' heart began to beat faster than it ever had before. Greta knew. He blurted it out the one night he decided to drink. 

Greta hardly knew what she was doing in this moment, not sure why she brought this up but there was no turning back now.

"W-what do you mean?" Remus asked nervously.

"Well um. You were making sense, you were saying how you wanted to be normal and you were worried we'd all leave you after we're done at Hogwarts." she paused for a moment before continuing. "And you said you thought Sirius and I fancy each other, which I shut down quickly and told you who I actually fancy."

morning sun {r. lupin}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें