thirty one

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The argument between Greta and Remus had obviously brought the pair closer together and strengthened their relationship. Remus' worries about their potential future and how his furry little problem would affect that had lessened, but still lingered in the back of his mind from time to time.

 they had celebrated what they considered to be their one month from when they finally confessed their feeling to each other, still choosing to keep their relationship a secret for the time being. They decided to celebrate by watching the January sun rise early Sunday morning as the Gryffindor vs Slytherin game was to take place later that afternoon, and if Gryffindor won, an after party would most definitely take place all of that evening.

They sat there together, Gretas back pressed against Remus' chest as they sipped tea and watched the world shift from night to day. Her hands wrapped around Remus' arms which were both around Greta, holding her close, the side of his face pressed against her hair.

A smile played on Gretas lips before she spoke, breaking the long, comfortable silence.


"Hm?" he hummed, his eyes travelling from the quiet grounds below to the girl infront of him.

"Im really happy." she stated casually.

"Even if you lose to the Slytherins today?" he joked.

"Hey! Dont jinx it!" she yelled, turning to face him.

"Im sorry Im sorry." he grinned, pushing a hair behind her ear before planting a kiss on her cheek, then next to her lips, saying "Im happy too." before finally kissing her lips.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Potter has the quaffle, throws it to Potter, Potters going to try to score! Oh no they threw it back to Potter. AND POTTER SCORES! Greta Potter that is incase anyone was confused."

Thomas Janks, a third year Gryffindor, voice boomed across the stadium, Gryffindor was up but only by one goal and there had been no sign of the snitch after  three hours playing. Everyone was getting exhausted, even the crowd had died down and several sections had filtered out. Hot drinks were passed around but it wasnt enough to keep the large crowd at the game.

Finally, nearly four hours into the game, the Gryffindor seeker, a fourth year, Nadia Yarker, had caught the snitch giving Gryffindor the victory. What was left of the frozen crowd cheered, while the other half, Slytherins and Ravenclaws who support the Slytherin team, left the field without a word.

Greta, James, and Sirius landed back on the ground, making their way to Remus and Peter who trying to get down to the field as quickly as possible. Greta basically ran into Remus' arms, he scooped her up, spinning her around as she clung to him.

"You were amazing! Scored over half the goals for the team!" as he set her back on her feet, he so badly wanted to kiss her, not caring about who was watching, but he knew in the long run he would regret it, not yet wanting their relationship to be seen by everyone.

"Thank you!" Greta beamed, throwing her arms around him once again.

"Hello, wanna congratulate your team mates too?" James said sarcastically.

Greta quickly spun around, pulling both Sirius and her brother into a mini group hug.

"We're getting that cup this year lads!" Sirius yelled.

"We better. Cant stand to see those no good snakes get it again." James sneered.

"I fancy some celebratory drinks after that match dont you?" Greta asked them, both arms draped over each boy.

"I like your thinking Gretster." Sirius agreed. "Who is our designated sober person tonight? I believe it issss..."

"Its me." Peter groaned.

"Oh shove off you barely drink anyways." Remus said bumping Peters shoulder.

"Well its nice to be included y'know. The only other person there that doesnt drink aside from the first and second years is Lily."

"Perhaps I will volunteer myself as our designated sober person." James offered, the sound of Lilys name catching his attention.

"Fine with me" Peter said quickly.

"No! Youll mess up our whole system. Peter youre not getting out of it." Greta insisted.

"I hate you." Peter grumbled.

"Pardon?" Greta asked sweetly.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Greta felt great. She lost count of how many firewhiskeys shes had, most she found just sitting around, not caring who was the original owner of it.

Remus also felt great. The whole night he hadnt left Gretas side, and after a couple drinks niether one cared that people saw them holding hands, nobody would make a big deal out of it and most would forget about it 20 seconds later. 

They stuck around the other three early in the night and then James and Sirius got to their fourth drink which is when the table dancing starts.

"Remus!" Greta whisper yelled.

"Greta!" Remus mocked.

"Lets get out of here."

"And go where?"


"You havent even taken me for dinner yet."

"Piss off, cmon."

Similar to a few month ago, Greta dragged Remus up the stairs to the boys dormitory, but this time they knew how the other felt, and they were both drunk.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Greta sloppily began to kiss Remus, the kiss deepening as the stumbled onto his bed. She stradled his legs, their lips still connected, the smell of firewhiskey filling the air, burning their noses. She began pulling at his shirt, knowing she had always wanted this to happen.

"Lets wait." he mumbled into the kiss.

"Why?" she groaned, pulling away.

"We're not sober, its been a month, and it should be more special than this."

"You think so?"


He planted a trail of kissed on her neck as she agreed to wait, her fingers roaming through his already messy hair. She loved the feeling of his soft hair running between her fingers, really taking the time now to notice just how nice the feeling was.

All of a sudden there was a rattling of the door handle. Greta jumped off of Remus, sitting next to him like nothing happened as the door opened.

"Whats up party people?" James yelled, clapping his hands to no specific rhythm.

"Bed time." Peter said guiding a completely out of it James to his bed, which he immediately fell face first onto, falling asleep almost instantly. "Sirius is next, when I left he was trying to get the punch bowl to fly by throwing it out the widow."

With that, Peter made his way back downstairs, leaving Greta and Remus with an unconscious James, both their hearts beating incredibly fast, thinking about what nearly happened.

wc: 1069


update yay but it kinda sucks so im sorry. i really didnt want to go two days without updating tho. 

question of the day: would you wanna go to a quidditch victory party? what era?

my answer: ofc and def marauders era cuz they seem more fun yk.

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