thirty six

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When Greta was pulled through the passageway which was unknown to the majority of people in the castle, the smile on her face grew larger as they neared a small glowing area down the tunnel. There sat a small table, big enough for two, with two chairs, two place settings, a white table cloth, all lit by candle light.

"When'd you do all this?" she asked.

"Earlier." he smirked, pulling a chair out for her to sit in.

"You didnt have to do all this."

"I wanted to."

He pulled the cover off of the platters infront of them to reveal their dinner, Greta's absolute favourite food, chicken quesadillas.

"You amaze me." She said shaking her head happily before reaching over and filling her plate.

Through dinner they chatted, though tired they didnt want the night to end. Their first actual date was so simple, so easy going, so them. They clanked glasses and took their final sip of their drinks before deciding it was time to head to bed.

Remus reached for Gretas hand which she accepted without hesitation. When she stood, her chest was  nearly pressed to his, their hands connected, eyes locked.

"Thank you for this." she whispered despite nobody being around. She brought her free hand up to his face, pushing a piece of hair out of his eyes before connecting their lips ever so gently.

 As Remus kissed back, it intensified. It became faster, messier, her hands were tangled in his once neat hair, one of his was placed firmly on her waist while the other cupped the nape of her neck.

Remus backed Greta against the stone wall, like she had done to him New Years Eve at her house, their lips staying connected with the move. As Remus' one hand travelled to her face, Gretas two moved down to his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt until they eventually were undone.




He didnt say anything, or try to stop her from continuing.




Her hands traced over the skin that was hidden by his shirt just moments ago. With her fingertips she felt every bump, every faded scar that was ingrained into his skin. His lips left hers as he began kissing down her neck, something he'd done only once in the past, but Greta loved. 

She melted at his touch as his lips danced across her neck, her shoulders where he peeled back the sweater ever so slightly, the way his hands found their way back to her waist so effortlessly.

Her hands continued to wander, now down his back as she pulled him closer, feeling around the scars she hadnt experienced before. As her hands followed a particularly long, indented one, she noticed an immediate change in the boy infront of her. She felt his whole body tense before he pulled away from her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern as she held his cheek in her hand.

"I-I'm sorry." he said, nervousness clearly present in his voice. "I'm just a bit tired." 

As he began to button up his shirt, Gretas mind filled with things that may have gone wrong to cause this sudden change. Maybe he changed his mind, I'm not what he wants, maybe he thinks I want to do more than this. She thought. But by the end of her internal questioning, she realized it was because of the scar.

"It's okay." She smiled. "Cmon, lets head back."

She grabbed his hand slowly, and he laced his fingers with hers after a split second.

Okay, he isnt mad at me. Greta thought to herself.

They threw the cloak back over their bodies and walked back to Gryffindor Tower in silence. Both unsure if it was comfortable or not.

Before Greta made her way up the stairs to the girls dorm, she placed a kiss on Remus' cheek.

"Thank you for tonight. I loved every second of it." she spoke softly.

He surprised her a little when he kissed her quickly, with the same amount of passion as earlier that night. 

He felt stupid for having the reaction he did about her touching the scar and he had no idea why. Greta had seen many of his cuts, bruises, and injuries over the years. Her hands had touched many of them, on his face, his arms, but never his chest or back, and something about those made him squirm, feel embarrassed that he was completely covered with these unfixable marks.

This kiss was trying to make up for him ruining an otherwise perfect night.

"I love you." he whispered as he pulled away. He could feel her lipstick smudged all over his face, and after seeing the mess around her lips in this brighter light, he knew he had to be just as bad.

"I love you." Greta replied before turning away and walking up the stairs.

Remus watched her go as he made his way over to the stairs leading to the boys room, finally turning facing forward when she rounded the corner and was out of sight.

He loved her with every inch of his being, and he didnt want to feel ashamed of his being with her, knowing she doesnt care about how flawed he may be. But something inside of him wouldnt let him do this, not yet anyways.

wc: 864


hey! chapter thirty six as promised. im starting a new course tomorrow so i might not be able to post but ill try, i promise. thank you so much for reading, almost at 2K! thats crazy! this story isnt even two months old yet!

question of the day: whats your fav food(s)?

my answer: clementines, pb and j sandwiches, any kind of noodles w butter.

morning sun {r. lupin}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora