twenty three

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As Greta and Mrs Potter were busy at work making an array of different Christmas cookies to send off to friends and family, something they do every year the kids first day home for break. James and Sirius were doing their best to decorate the large amount of sugar cookies piled infront of them, usually a job Mr Potter helps with but this year he was needed elsewhere. Every now and then the boys would sneak a cookie which they thought went unnoticed by Mrs Potter, but every time she would in fact see, laughing to herself rather than scolding them, just glad they were all home.

The radio played in the background, old songs that Mrs Potter hummed along to quietly, most of them having little to no lyrics.

"How'd you do it like that, mine looks like a flaming pile of shit." James asked pointing at Sirius' neatly decorated Christmas tree cookie.

"I guess I'm just talented." Sirius replied with a smirk.

"Merlin James you werent exaggerating." Greta added, peeking over to see James' mess of a Christmas tree. "Why'd you make it brown?"

"I DIDNT. I dont know how that happened."

James ate the less than appealing cookie angerly as everyone else went back to what they were doing trying not to frustrate him more than he already was.

As Greta turned back to the counter to begin shaping the date nut cookies, an owl she recognized from its daily trips to Hogwarts landed outside the window, pecking on the glass. She pushed open the window, causing the owl to flutter backwards slightly, an icy breeze blowing through the kitchen.

"Thank you Benji." Greta said taking the evelope that the owl carried, giving it a piece of cookie from the bad batch pile that Sirius and James insisted they save for them.

"Letter from Remus already?" Sirius asked shocked.

"Probably just wants to confirm a couple things before her visit." Mrs Potter suggested.

"Yeah." Greta replied lazily as she tore open the envelope, pulling out the letter inside and began to read it.


Heres the letter as promised. Not a lot has happened in the few hours I havent seen you, mum keeps telling me how excited she is to meet you, dad is pretty quiet as usual. I reorganized my room about four times already and thats about it. I hope your first while home was more fun than mine, tell the everyone I say hello. Cant wait to see you!

Love, Remus

P.S. please send a couple cookies, preferably not ones James and Sirius have come in contact with.

She smiled at the letter, and the fact that he remembered it was their big baking day.

"Remus says hello." Greta mentioned after folding up the letter neatly and putting it in the pocket of her apron. "And he wants some cookies."

"Well we have so lovely ones perfect for our Moony right here." James said pointing to Sirius' plate of perfect looking sugar cookies.

"Lets box em up!" Sirius said, begining to carefully place several different kinds of cookies in the small box. Sugar cookies, chocolate mint, classic chocolate chip, jam filled, gingerbread, shortbread, any kind of cookie that was within reach went in the box.

Greta grabbed a piece of parchment from the drawer, quickly scribbling a response as the boys boxed the cookies, telling Greta to add that they say hi back to Remus.

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