3. Rape

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Pushing his hand off me I resume my sleep but once again he starts rubbing my thigh.

Standing up he follows suit and tries to kiss me but I slap him. As if something snapped in him he also slaps me. Unlike him I actually fall because of the impact on my cheek.

"You thought you could hurt my sister and get away with only a stupid little isolation...well I think not Y/N." He said and moved closer to me. Where are the teachers when you need them?

Standing up I quickly run toward the door but it is shut in my face by the one and only Katy. Trying to open it I figure out that it's locked. Oh my gosh...

They would not go as far as letting me get raped right?

When I turn around I am faced with the evil smirk of Hyuk. In one swift move he is pulling me to the teachers desk by my hair.

Crying out in pain I try to push him away but he is too strong.

"Aw the more you struggle the longer it will take little Y/N. So just give yourself to me willingly." He says as he places me on the desk while I fight back.

"P-ple-ase s-stop." I plead with him but he does not listen.

"Listen up, if you keep resisting I'm going to beat the leaving hell out of you SO STOP!!!" He shouts but just like him I don't listen.

Slapping me a few times I stop fighting. My cheeks probably turning blue by now. Endless tears flowing down my cheeks now as he starts to unzip his pants while spreading my legs. I finally move to my last resort hoping someone in this school will have a heart to actually help me.

"H-HELP ME...PLEASE HELP ME. SOMEONE HELP M-" I am cut of when he slaps me again causing me to cry louder.

His hands tightly holding my thighs making sure to leave marks as his lips do the same on my neck. Helplessly crying I finally gave up to succumb to my fate.

Pulling down my panty he roughly enters me as I scream out in pain. Moving at a pace I was not so familliar with. My body feeling as if it was being torn apart.

Begging once again I tried to break free but he held me in place as he ignored my words and continued moving faster.

Trying to beg again but this time my voice did not come out. Everything seeming like a blur.

On the other side of the door I could hear Katy laughing as she is clearly enjoying my pain.

Blood coming out of me he finally decided to stop as a look of horror is displayed on his face. Pulling my panty back up he begins to dress himself up as he almost flys out the door. Scared of what he has done.

His sister opening the door she looks a me in the eyes. Shock evident it in her eyes but she later replaces it with a smirk. Mouthing the words 'Do not mess with me.' As she walks away with her sibling.

Getting off the desk I limp my way to the door. The tears never ending as I fall on my knees when I get to the hall. Crying even louder I pray for the Earth to just swallow me whole.


We were all walking to class while busy fooling around. Stopping in my tracks I watched as Katy and Hyuk walked out of Mr Han's class. Whenever those two were together nothing good came out of it.

Watching them closely I observe how Katy is laughing maniacally and Hyuk is shaking while sweating. He looked really scared.

Shrugging off their weird behaviour I went back to playing with my friends. Stopping in my tracks again my heart starts racing as I see Y/N also coming out of the class. She doesn't look to be in good condition.

My heart dropping to the pit my stomach as I watch her fall on her knees and cry. Her legs covered in blood and my mind wonders what happened.

Not caring about the appearances at the moment I ran to her and pull her into my embrace.

"Baby, please don't cry..." I uttered trying to calm her down which was clearly not working.

"T-tae it h-hurts." She mumbled as more sobs broke out.

"Baby listen... I'm going to pick you up now and I'm taking you to the hospital, you need to calm down, okay. I promise everything will be fine." I said to her.

Pecking her lips I picked her up bridal style and started walking to the exit.

"H-Hyuk, h-he d-di..." She whispered passing out before she could finish the sentence.

Rushing to my car I could careless about what the security guards were saying as the only thing on my mind was to get my baby to the hospital.

Jungkook somehow caught up to me and stopped me from getting in the car.

"Tae what is this? Why were you kissing her?" He asked but I was not in the mood for this.

Pulling away from him I pushed him out of the way and get in the car. I felt bad for not answering him but this was not the time.

The drive to the hospital felt so long but in total it was only ten minutes.

Rushing into the hospital I made sure she got immediate help. My heart racing when they took her to the emergency room.

The others coming in a few minutes after we arrived. I guess they were following me. They kept quiet when they saw my state.

The silence killing me as we waited an two hours for the doctor to come out. When he finally did my heart started racing again.

"H-how is she?" I asked hoping it was nothing serious was wrong.

"She fine now. We were able to stop the bleeding. Seems that she is in a state of shock from the rape. She has not said anything since she woke up forty minutes ago. You can go see her now." He replied and walked away.


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