16. Jaerin

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I knocked on the door and waited impatiently for it to be opened. After a minute or two of waiting the door was finally opened by some guy. I felt my heart drop when I saw him.

Who the hell was he? And why was he with my girls?

"Hello, you must be Taehyung." He greeted cheerfully and passed me a smile which I did not return.

"Yeah... Hi... Who are you?" I asked awkwardly not liking his presence here.

"Oh I am Andrew. I am Y/N's-" he was cut off by Y/N's angelic voice.

"Drew is he here already?" She asked and I could see her coming down the stairs.

I could feel my blood boil at the nickname but tried my best to keep calm. The Andrew guy seemed to notice this as his lips began forming a smirk while looking at me.

"Yeah he is here." He responded and turned to her.

"Well why aren't you letting him in." She asked as she came to stand by his side.

"Taehyung please ignore this idiot and come in." She said sweetly to me before glaring at the other male.

I passed him a smug look as I walked into the house.

"Well you still love this idiot." He said as he closed the door and immediately my smile was wiped off.

"Whatever... Uh Taehyung Jae is still sleeping but I was about to wake her up. Hope you don't mind waiting for a bit." She explained.

"No I don't mind but is it okay if I wake her up? I really missed her " I asked as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh yeah that's okay. Her room is the last one to the right. The door is blue so you can't miss it." She said and smiled at me

"Thanks." I said and returned her smile before heading upstairs to find my princess.

Before disappearing completely I turned to look back and saw Y/N and the guy whispering to one another. I could not help but to frown but I just shrugged it off.

I walked down the hallway until I got to the blue door. I reached  for the knob but froze. My heart was racing as I felt the anticipation of seeing her again.

What if she did not recognize me? What would I do then? We had been separated for three months and anything could have happened in that time.

The thoughts brought tears to my eyes but I pushed them back as I opened the door. The room was dimly lit and I could not help but melt at the decorations. The were so perfect for my princess.


I felt my body freeze as the voice that I had been longing to hear for months now. I immediately felt the tears from earlier come back.

I slowly turned my head to the side  I heard her voice coming from and saw my beautiful girl sitting in her crib looking at me. The tears began rolling down my cheeks as I walked toward her.

"My b-baby..." My voice cracked.

Her eyes lit up as I got closer. She even started cheering which made my heart melt. When I finally got to her I wasted not a second before picking her up and wrapping my arms around her.

This moment felt so surreal. Before I felt like I would never see her again but now she was back in my arms. I could not help but to cry into her hair.

"M-my princess..."

"Dada... miss you." She said and I felt my eyes widen in surprise.

She had learnt more words.

"My love I missed you too. Now that I am here I am never letting you go again." I said and kissed her head lovingly.

"I love you so much my darling." I said and pulled back to see her face clearly.

I was so sad to see that she had grown so much and I missed all of it but I vowed that I would never be away from her again.

After about half an hour with my daughter I decided to go down. She was beginning to get cranky which could only mean one thing, that she was hungry.

"When I got downstairs I only saw the guy in the living room. His eyes lit up when he saw Jaerin and I did not like it one bit.

"My baby!" He said enthusiastically and stood up before coming to us.

Before I knew it my child was ripped out of my arms and I felt like today I was going to go to jail for murder. Just as I was about to attack I heard a voice calling me from behind.

"Taehyung what are you doing?" Y/N asked as she looked at the weird position that I was in.

"Ah n-nothing!" I answered frantically before standing up straight and turning to her.

"Uh okay." She said not looking very convinced.

"My baby is awake!" She cheered as she saw Jaerin and this made our baby squeal in delight.

"MAMA!" She exclaimed happily as she reached her arms out.

When seeing this Y/N skipped to the two and took our daughter out of the man's arms but that did not stop him reaching over to continue playing with Jae. My blood began boiling once again.

"Who the hell is he?" I butted out angrily.

"TAEHYUNG!" Y/N scolded me for cursing but I just ignored her as I stated intensely at the guy.

"I already told you that my name is Andr-" he explained but I cut him off.

"That's not what I meant. Who are you to Y/N?" I asked still angered by his presence.

"Oh he didn't tell you."


"Well I am her boyfriend." He responded and I felt myself start to have a heart attack.

"WHAT?!" I yelled making Jae flinch and almost cry if it was not for Y/N calming her down.

"He is just joking Tae. He is my cousin." Y/N explained before shooting a glare at her cousin.

Immediately after hearing that I felt my cheek warm up from the embarrassment. The two laughed as they saw my probably red cheeks.

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