14. Heartbreak

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I walked out the door and it felt like my world was ending. The tears flowed even faster than before. How was I going to live separated from him? Those few months without him were unbearable but because my daughter was there it made my life easier.

I could not get back with him because his words hurt and my head told me breaking up with him was the right choice. I could not let him think that what he said to me was right. Even though breaking up with him crushed my world, I had to keep my dignity.

I wiped my tears away though it was useless and walked to the restroom to clean myself up.

In the restroom I washed my face and then looked in the mirror. My whole face was completely drained out from the crying I did. My face was becoming chubby even my body and I hoped no one would notice.

After about five minutes I walked out and headed to my next class as it was already time for the next lesson. My heart began racing as I remembered that Taehyung was in that class. I just hoped that he was still on the roof.

"It's good to see you again miss Lee." Mr Han voiced out as I walked into the class gaining everyone's attention. Something I really did not want.

"Thank you Mr Han." I whispered and bowed before heading to my seat which was in the back. Everyone was looking at me but this time around it was not their judgemental stares, it was more like shock or confusion stares.

I just ignored them and prepared myself for the lesson as Mr Han began teaching. My mind was not there at all as I began spacing out only for it to be interuppted when the door slammed open.

"How nice of you to join us again after two weeks Kim Taehyung." Mr Han voiced looking very irritated. Tae just looked around until his eyes landed on me. We held eye contact for a bit until I decided to break it by looking away. People were giving us weird looks.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung are you even listening to me? What is wrong with you? Why do you look like this?" Mr Han asked worried about Taehyung's appearance. Only then did I notice how he actually looked. His eyes were red and even his face. His hair was a mess and so were his clothes.

"I-I'm o-okay. I'm sorry for being late to your class." He bowed in apology and then walked to his seat. People were taken back by one of the bad boys apologising and stuttering. While I on the other hand felt broken as I heard his voice crack.

I watched his every move until he sat down and then looked at me. I saw tears pooling in his already red eyes and looked away not wanting to see him cry. I could feel my own eyes filling up but I fought the tears back.


The day was really going slowly so it made me really happy when the bell rang for lunch time. I had daydreaming most of the day anyway.

I sat alone at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. I eyed my food preparing to feast but my plan just to be ruined by a certain someone.

"Look at the little piggy eating so much food. Haven't you gotten fat enough? Don't you think you should stop now?" The voice of the person I hated the most filed my little space.

I chose to ignore her not feeling like fighting with her. I took a bite of my burger and moaned a bit at the delicious flavour completely ignoring the pest behind me. By the click of her tongue I could only guess that my lack of response irritated her.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION AND I EXPECT AN ANSWER!" She yelled and in one swif move all my food was on the floor. This attracted the attention of everyone in the cafeteria.

I looked up at her blankly and then looked at the food on the floor. Heaving out a sigh I stood up wanting to walk away but Katy held me back from doing so.

"Y/N, I am talking to you." It surprised me that she did not throw an insult when calling me. I just stayed quiet and looked at her.

She took a step closer to me while still holding my wrist. Her perfume flooded my airway and I felt like I was about to puke. My eyes became teary and I placed a hand over my mouth so I could keep it in. I yanked my wrist away from her and ran out of the cafeteria.

On the way I bumped into someone but that did not stop me from reaching my destination which was the bathroom.


The bell rang and everyone began leaving to the cafeteria. I just sat there and watched her until she also left the room. My heart shattered over and over again as I thought about what happened this morning. I just got her back and again I lost her because of my stupid actions.  If I had not been such an idiot she would be in my arms right now.

I ruffled my hair in frastration and then stood up before going to the cafeteria to find my friends. I could not spend the rest of my life crying. I at least had to try and get her back.

As I stood at the entrance in search of my friends I felt a body collide with mine. I was about to yell at the person but they had already ran away. I caught a small blips of their clothes making my eyes widen at who it was.

Without a second thought I ran after her not caring about the rest of the world at that moment. She rushed into the bathroom and so did I.


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