22. Offer

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"Agh can't we just relax!" Taehyung exclaimed in frustration.

He and Y/N had just gotten home from a rough day of school but before they could even sit down the door bell rang making Tae want to pull his hair out.

"I'm coming damn it." Taehyung said as he walked toward the door but the person did not stop ringing the bell until he opened the door.

And when he finally did he felt his eyes widen and his heart begin to race. Not only were Katy and Hyuk standing at his front door but their father too who so happened to be the mayor of the area they lived in.

"Tae who is it? Why are you tak-" Y/N immediately halted her words as she too saw who was standing at their door.

Her body fell into the exact same state as her boyfriend.

"Won't you invite us in?" The older man asked snapping the two out of their shock.

"Ah yes sir please come in." Y/N said before she moved to the side along with her boyfriend to let the uninvited guests in.

As the walked in Taehyung could only send the smug Katy and Hyuk death glares. If their father wasn't there he would have surely made sure to kill the basturd who touched his girlfriend.

"Please have a seat." Y/N said after they got to the living room.

Taehyung kept his mouth shut knowing that if he opened nothing good would come out. As a way of relieving a bit of his stress he held on tightly to Y/N's hand as they sat beside each other.

"What do we owe this pleasure Mr Mayor?" Y/N asked breaking the awkward silence that hung in the air.

The older man cleared his throat before looking directly into Y/N's eyes with an empty expression.

"It has been brought to my attention that you are carrying my grandchild, Hyuk's child and with this information brought to light you will be living with us until that baby is born." He announced make the two gape at him shock.

"YOU ARE FXCKING KIDDING RIGHT?!" Taehyung's angry voice boomed through the room as he stood up and looked at the man with hateful eyes.

The mayor just looked back at him unfazed by the younger male's reaction.

"Boy I suggest that you calm down and learn some respect. I am an honourable man who does not make jokes or kid around. When your little girlfriend over there decided to open her legs for my son she knew of all the consequences and now that one of them is happening I would like to tackle it before it causes any problems. My family has a reputation to uphold and we will continue to do so. So stop wasting my precious time and let's get a move on with it." The man said boredly while his children were smirking in the background.

Taehyung saw red as he was ready to attack but was stopped as the familiar hand touched his. When he looked back he saw how his girlfriend had tears in her eyes but shook her head for him not to do anything stupid.

Taehyung just let out a growl in frustration before turning back to the man and his two kids.

"I want to make something very clear to you old man. My girlfriend did not open her legs for you pig of a son. He forced himself on her. He fxcking raped. That basturd forced her into something she did not want. He is fxcking lucky I don't wipe that ugly smirk of his face right now. I would kindly like to ask you to leave my house before I do something I will regret." Taehyung said mainly directing the last statement to the son.

"We are taking the girl with us whether you like it or not son. So miss if you will please go and pack your belongings. I am a very busy man and have no time to waste with teenage drama." He said as he looked at Y/N.

"She is not going anywhere with you lunatic. You will only take her over my dead body." Taehyung responded in a sickingly calm voice before pulling Y/N into his arms while still looking coldly into the mayor's eyes.

"Ah I see that we have resorted to threats. Miss Y/N then I am going to give you two options either you come with willingly or we will send this boyfriend of yours to jail for assaulting my son and still take you forcefully." Mr Bae told them making both Y/N and Taehyung stiffen in each other's arms.

"W-what?" Y/N asked in shock as she broke away from her hug with Taehyung.

"You heard me. If you do not come with me, your boyfriend is going to jail for what he did to my-" he said but was cut off.


"Then go ahead and let's who will come up on top. I guarantee that you will be the only one to lose everything. Miss Y/N I will give you fifteen minutes to make your decision. If you are not in the car by then I am assuming that you have not taken my offer and want to see Mr Kim behind bars... Katy, Hyuk lets get going." He said before standing up and walking out of the house leaving the two in silence.

"Taehyun-" Y/N finally spoke up after a few minutes but was only cut off by her boyfriend.

"No...no Y/N. You are not going to step a foot in that psychopath's house. I will go to jail if I have to but you will not live with him." Taehyung said as he harshly glared at the floor.

Y/N cupped his cheeks making him look at her. She noticed immediately how his gaze softened when he looked at her. Her thumb caressed his left cheek as a single tear escaped his eye.

"B-baby... w-we have no choice..." She said with a broken voice. Her own tears making their way down her cheeks.

"N-no baby... no... I... I can call my dad... I will go to jail baby... as long as you are safe... please don't do this." He cried pulling her into his arms.

"Tae you heard what he said honey... He is going to make sure he gets me no matter what. Baby it's better if you are not in jail... if you go to jail who will look after Jae? One of us needs to be here for her... a-and you know that our parents won't be of any help Tae... you need to accept that they don't want to see after what happened... they disowned us because of my pregnancy Tae, they won't help us..." She cried still holding him tightly.

"N-no no no no no... baby there is always a way... you can't living with him... I will not allow that..." He refused.

"Tae I will not allow you to go to jail because of someone so worthless. Baby you need to think about our daughter too. If you go to jail and they take me away there won't be anyone here to to love her the way she deserves. Baby please, you have to let me go... I will find a way to get back to you but for now you have to let me go sweetheart." She said as she pulled away from their hug and cupped his wet cheeks once again.

"Y/N please don't..." He cried breaking her heart even more.

"Love its only for now. I promise i will come back to you and our baby girl. I promise." She whispered before leaning up toward his face and placing her lips on his.

When she tried to pull back Taehyung only tightened his arms around her. The once simple kiss turning a heated make out session.

The loud hooting of the car outside caused the two lovers to break apart but their eyes did drift away from each other.

"Baby I'm gonna need you to be strong for me alright." She said and he only nodded wordlessly.

She could only sigh before pulling away completely and walking to their room to grab her essentials. Whe she came back out her heart broke even more as she saw the love of her life sitting on the floor miserably with tears rolling down his cheeks. She knelt before him cupping his cheeks again to make him look at her.

"Baby please be strong. Remember that I am doing this for you, Jae and the baby. You three are the most important people in the universe to me. I love you all very much and I will do whatever I have to to keep you safe. Please make sure to give Jae a kiss for me." She told him before pecking his forhead and lips.

Taehyung did say anything though which made her sigh before standing. She began walking toward the front door and opened it. Before walking out she looked back at him with a longing look.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He said to her before she closed the door completely.

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