9. Better

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The next morning I woke up felling much better that I had in the past few days. My body did not feel dirty anymore with Tae's touch like it did with Hyuk.

"What are you thinking about love?" The deep and raspy voice asked me making me flinch.

I turned to find Tae looking at me with hooded eyes. I could see that he was still sleep but he was fighting it off.

"Nothing really." I said at laid on his bare chest.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Are you okay? Did you sleep well?" He asked as his hold on me began getting tighter.

"I am good Tae. You don't need to worry about me and thank you for helping yesterday. I really feel so much better." I expressed my gratitude before pulling him into a long passionate kiss. When we pulled away he just stared at me lovingly.

"Babydoll you really don't need to thank me. As  I said last night I would do anything for you even if it meant killing someone for you. I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered before close my eyes to sleep again.


I walked down with my baby in my arms as I searched for a specific packet. In my search for my favourite chips I did not see some in front of me which lead me to bumping into them.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorr-" I tried to apologize but my words were cut off by a familiar annoying voice.

"Is that you piggy?" She asked and I rolled my eyes not in the mood to listen to her stupid voice. I tried to walk past her but mission was not going according to plan.

"Whose baby is that? She is cute." She cooed at my baby and tried to touch her but I move Jaerin away before she could make any contact with her.

"Y/N let me hold her. I know she is not yours so what's the problem." She said and continued trying to take my baby away from me.  Jae was becoming upset and it made me angry that Katy was not considering her feelings.

"Katy stop it." I spat out and moved away because my baby had already started crying.

"M-mama..." My little one whispered but it was loud enough for Katy to hear.

"Wait- SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER??" She yelled which made Jaerin cry even more.

"Yes she is stupid and look what you did. You scared my daughter. Just go away before I pull your eyes out." I spat out not carrying that she knew that I had a child anymore. It's not as if I was ashamed to show Jaerin anyway.

When I finally managed to calm her down I looked up and saw Katy still standing there with a shocked expression. I just rolled my eyes and began walking away without my snack but still managed to catch some of what Katy said.

"This is perfect..."


I walked into the school but immediately my steps came to a halt as I stared in shock at what was in front of me. On the walls of the school there were pictures of my daughter and I as we were in the supermarket. I already knew who had done it and I just wanted to kill her.

People began whispering as they saw me at the gate but I decided to ignore them and continued walking down hallway until some girl stood infront of me.

"Is it true that you have a child?" She asked and this seemed to make everyone fall into a silence as they waited for my response.

"Yes." I responded confidently while everyone else let out gasps. There was not use in denying it and I would never be ashamed of telling anyone that I had a child even though I was still young and in high school.

After I responded she walked away probably going to gossip more to her friends. I walked away deciding not to to feed them with anymore information. When I got to class I heard everyone coming up with crazy theories of who my baby's father was but when they saw me they immediately kept quiet.

About ten minutes passed before the door opened revealing the Peron I had been anxious to see and behind him was the crazy pshyco who decided to publicize my life. She shot me a devious smirk before walking to her seat.

When I looked back to the door Tae was still standing there with a shocked yet anxious look. We made eye contact and he seemed to be pleading for something but I could not understand what.

Our staring contest was soon stopped when the teacher came in and forced Taehyung to go to his place.

"Everyon please shut your traps so we can start with today's lesson. I do not have time to listen to you gossip about the rumours being spread here. You are here to learn not socialize so please." Mr choi said rudely which managed to stop people from talking about me and my daughter. I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed but it did help me so I am grateful to  his bad mood.

I just hoped this news would die down just as fast as it started.

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