12. Back

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I walked into the school with my head down not looking forward to anything that was going to happen today. My cousin finally convinced me to go back to school after three months. He offered to take care of Jaerin for me while I was at school.

I quietly walked down the hallway with people looking at me weirdly probably wondering why I showed up to school again after so long. I could care less about it though because I was anxious about seeing one specific person. I was not ready to see him or be confronted by him.

My steps came to a hault when I felt a presence in front of me. I looked up only to find one of the people I disliked the most, Katy. I looked at her blankly and then tried walking around her but she grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back.

"Long time no see piggy. You finally decided to crawl out of your hole and show your face." She giggled pulling my hood off and exposing my messy bun.

I just continued to stare at her blankly until her amusement faded away when she saw I did not react to her stupid comment. She waited a couple of seconds more before saying anything.

"I am talking to you and I expect you to say something back!" She exclaimed out angrily and pushed me back. I stumbled back but managed to catch myself before I could fall. At this point a group of students had already formed around us. Her minions were standing behind me making sure I could not go anywhere.

Again I just kept quiet and tried to walk passed her but she really did want to test my patience today. All I wanted was to have a peaceful day at school but nothing was going as planned. It was still morning but my mood was already ruined.

"Katy please just leave me alone." I voiced out, my voice clearly laced with annoyance.

She just chuckled and took a few steps toward me while I just stood there watching her every move.

"Oh, she can talk now. I thought you had gone mute there for a while." She continued to giggle like a maniac but then tried to slap me out of nowhere. Luckily I caught her arm before she could hit me.

I was not in the mood or condition to fight with her but if I had to I would. I pulled her closer so I could look her directly in the eyes. Fear flashed in them as she tried to pull away.

"Katy I asked you to leave me alone nicely. Next time I won't be so nice. I'm not in the mood for your pathetic attempts to get my attention, so just leave me alone." I spat out and pushed her away.

I began making my way out of the crowd but once again I was pulled back by my wrist. Thinking it was Katy I was ready to give her a face full of my fist but before I knew it I was pulled into a hard chest.

Figuring out who it was my body visibly tensed up while he hugged me as my body froze. He snuggled his face into my neck. My mind was telling me to push him away but my heart said I should hug him back but I continued to stand there frozen.

After a few minutes I came back to my senses and pushed him away. I looked around and everyone was looking at us with shocked face. When I looked back at him my heart broke because of his appearance.  He had dark circles around his eyes as if he had not slept in forever and he had also lost a lot of weight. I knew he was not eating properly.

How could he do this to himself?

I didn't even realize I was crying until he wiped my tears away. When I came back to my senses I pushed him away before running off to the roof.


I walked into the I walked into the school feeling and looking like a zombie because of the lack of sleep that I had obtained in the past three months.

My friends being the ones who forced me to be here. They had basically dragged me out of bed this morning.

"What's going on there?" Jin hyung asked as he got my attention away from my thoughts and toward the crowd of students.

"I don't know but I want to see." Jungkook said excitedly and began walking to the crowd with the others not far behind him.

I was about to walk away not really caring about what was happening until I heard the voice I longed to hear for the past three months.

I thought I was hallucinating until I heard her again. This time I rushed into the crowd only to see her walking away. My heart began racing.

I made my way toward her and pulled her wrist. Before she could do anything I embraced her as if my life depended on  her being in my arms. Her body tensed as she realized it was me. She did not hug me back or do anything.

Minutes flew by as I began crying into her neck and again she did nothing. Only a couple of minutes later it was as if something snapped and she pushed me away.

The people around us stared in shock but I could careless about them as the love of my life finally came back to me.

She looked deep into my eyes and I could see the hurt displayed in them. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and when I wiped them away she pushed me away and ran in the direction of the stairs.

This time I ran after her not wanting to lose her for a second time. I could care less about what these people were going to say as long as I had my family back with me nothing else would matter anymore.

I just hoped it was not too late to mend my mistakes...

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