13. Break

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I ran after her knowing that the only place she would go to was the rooftop. When I reached the door I could already hear her sobs from the other side. My heart broke hearing her cry so much.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I banged on it hoping she would open up but I knew she would not let me in so easily.

"Baby, please open the door..." I pleaded as tears started leaving my eyes again. It was silent until she spoke up.

"Taehyung go away, I don't want see or talk to you. Just leave me alone." Her voice cracked at the end. It hurt me when she called me by my full name instead of calling me Tae like she normally would.

"B-baby please hear me out. Please forgive me. My life has been nothing but hell since you you left me. I miss you so much... I-I miss my daughter... please let me see Jaerin." My heart broke at the thought of never seeing my babygirl again.

A silence fell on us but was then interrupted by the bell ringing indicating that we should go to class. She just stayed quiet, I think waiting for me to leave.

"Please..." I begged one more time but she still wouldn't budge. I sighed and then sat on the stairs and waited for her to come out.

Only a matter of waiting and patience...

I waited about two hours before I heard the door open. I quietly stood up and took a few steps forward. When she saw me there she tried to close the door but I was faster and put my foot between the gap stopping her attempt.

I heard her sigh in defeat, then realise the door before walking away, I followed her in and noticed all the little things I hadn't before. Her style had completely changed. She wore dark baggy clothes and her skin was glowing. She had also become chubbier in the past few months. She looked so breath takingly beautiful.

"My love I-"

"Don't call me that. We are no longer in a relationship. There is nothing between us except my daughter who I am still figuring out if I should let you see or not." She said bluntly without any emotion.

"Please let me see her... I am her father." I tried my best but she still held no emotions.

She chuckled dryly and then looked away. When she looked back at me I could see the amusement in her eyes.

"Don't make me laugh Kim Taehyung. You don't have any right to call yourself the father of my child when you yourself rejected her in front of the whole school," she said in a matter of fact tone.

"I was just trying to protect yo-" she cut me off by chuckling again.

"Protecting us? Yeah right. Taehyung that was not protecting us, you were just plain out insulting my child and I. If you actually loved us you wouldn't be ashamed of showing us to the world. T-Tae... I-I am so tired of not feeling worth it. I am tired of your reputation coming before our family. I-I can't do this anymore. I can't continue my life with someone who is ashamed of me." She finished off and I could see that she was fighting the tears.

"Babe, please don't say that. I am not ashamed of either one of you. You are both my life. I love you so much. I just wanted to protect you but I went about it the wrong way. My love please don't l-leave me. Forgive me. Please don't give up on us. Fight for us." I pleaded with her. At this point I was crying my heart out. I could not imagine spending anymore time without her or our daughter.

I tried to pull her close to me but she just jerked away from my touch, killing my soul in the process.

"Taehyung, there is no us to fight for anymore. I've been trying for so long to show you that I was fighting for our relationship but you never seemed to care. You never seemed to notice all the effort I put into our love." She surrowfuly smiled and then cupped my cheeks.

She leaned in and pressed her delicate lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist feeling as if it was the last kiss we would share. This lone thought made me hold her even tighter as if my life depended on it. Our tears were even mixing. She pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Tae, I love you with all my heart and I will forever love you because you are my first love and the father of my c-child... but I don't think we were meant to be. Maybe we just rushed things by having Jae at such a young age, but one thing that you should know is that I don't regret loving you or having Jaerin. Please just respect my decision and stay away from me. Don't worry because you will be able to see Jae as much as you want. I will not stop you from seeing your daughter but as for me, I don't want to see you anymore. Our relationship is over and the only thing connecting us is our baby." She said as she pulled pulled away completely but I pulled her back and buried my face in her neck.

The words she had just said to me were my biggest nightmare. She was leaving me, how would I live without her?

"B-baby...ple-please d-don't leave...me." I begged still sobbing into her neck.

"Tae, please don't make this even harder for the both of us." She tried pulling away but I would not let her go. I held her tightly just wanting her to stay in my arms forever.

I pulled away from her neck and smashed my lips into her trying to convince her not to go. I wanted to show her how much I loved her in that one little kiss. I tried to express all my feelings in it so she would see how sincere I was.

She then slowly pulled away and looked at me one more time before walking out of the door as I crumbled up into my own blackhole which seemed to be never ending.

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