6. Daughter

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None of us said anything after the others left. The door opened and in came Jin, Hobi, Jimin and my daughter. Her giggles filled the room bringing it back to life.

The others went up to her making silly faces to make her laugh. She was never a shy baby. She always loved the attention she got from everyone around her.

I sat on the chair watching my baby's reactions as I waited for Jin to hand her to me. She quickly looked at me seeing that, I flashed her a smile and she made grabby hands.

"DADA!" She exclaimed happily and made a fuss wanting me to get her. I stood up and went to get her.

When she was finally in my arms her giggles filled the room again making my heart beat with joy once more. We played with her for a few more minutes until she caught a glimpse of her mother. Her attention was immediately diverted from us.

"Mama." She called out to her mother but recieved no response which made gloom take over her features.

"M-mama..." She called out again but this time her lips started quivering indicating that she was about to cry. I tried to distract her but she broke out into loud cries not taking her eyes off Y/N.

"Aw, my baby don't cry...shh." I rocked her back and forth. I then gave her her milk bottle which seemed to calm her down.

After a few minutes she managed to fall asleep which made me sigh in relief. I sat on the sofa and made her sleep comfortably on my lap. The room was quiet again and it was only a matter of waiting.


About two hours later both my princesses began regaining conciouseness. The boys were now sleeping around the room. The doctors and I insisted they go home but they said they wanted to stay for support.

"Tae..." Y/N called out to me as her eyes were still closed. I held Jaerin carefully as she fell back into a deep slumber.

"Yes baby... I am here." I whispered so that I did not wake anyone up.

"Tae... T-Tae... I w-ant wa-ter."

Before I could do anything Jin was already handing me the glass of water and taking Jaerin out of my arms. I sat next to Y/N and helped her drink the water because she was so weak.

"Babe, do you want anything to eat?"

"no, I'm not hungry." She responded calmly and looked around the room before settling to look at her lap.

The others began waking up and went to Jaerin who was also awake now. I settled myself properly on the bed and held Y/N in my embrace, but she flinched first before relaxing.

"T-Tae I w-wanna go h-home."

"I know you do love but the doctors said you have to stay over night so they can make sure you are perfectly fine." I explained and kissed the top of her head.

"Then you have to go home. Jaerin cannot spend the night in the hospital neither can you. So please go home." It made me happy that even though she was in such a situation she still worried about others.

"My love I can't leave you all alone. I'll stay here with you and the boys can take our little princess until tomorrow. I trust them with her." I assured her but I could see she was not having it.

"Well I don't especially with my child. Tae please just go home and look after her. Only then will I know she is safe with you."

Just as I was about to answer Jin walked up to us. Y/N's body started becoming tense.


One of Tae's friends walked toward us and I could feel my heart race faster with every step he took. I felt like my oxygen supply was being cut off. I felt very threatened by him, very scared. Normally I did not care that he bullied me but today I just couldn't handle any other guys being close to me except Tae.

"T-Tae please tel...t-tell him to n-not c-come closer. I-I'm scared." My voice cracked as I could not control my emotions. I buried my head into Tae's chest fearing that Jin would do something to me.

"Jin please don't come any closer. Just stay there." I heard Tae say firmly as tears now started leaving my eyes. Whimpers also leaving my mouth caught everyone's attention. As a result my boyfriend held me tighter.

"Baby please calm down. Don't cry. He won't do anything to you, none of them will do anything to you. I am here to protect you." He assured me but I still felt very scared.

"Mama..." I heard a soft voice call out making me pull away from Tae only to see my baby staring at me intensely from across the room in Yoongi's arms.

I quickly wiped away my tears so she wouldn't see me like that even though she didn't understand anything. She made grabby hands wanting me to pick her up but I could not get out of bed.

When she saw I was not getting up her lip started quivering showing she was about to cry.

"Please bring her to me." I whispered to Tae and he got up go do what I said.

As soon as my baby was in my arms she started giggling. Her gloomy mood had completely gone away. Her beautiful laughter made me forget about all that had happened. I smiled at her despite the pain and continued to play with her as if nothing had happened.

After a couple of hours passed my baby was sleeping peacefully in my arms. The others were also sleeping around the room even though I tried to convince them to go home.

Taehyung's friends had already apologized for the years of bullying and I forgave them. I could see that they were genuinely sorry so I gave them a chance.

The night went on but I did not get a bit of shut eye as the horrible memories flashed in my head whenever I closed my eyes. When morning arrived I was still wide awake trying to clear my mind.

"Baby..." A voice broke me out of my thoughts and I snapped my head in Tae's direction. He was still sleeping while hugging Jungkook. He had a habit of talking in his sleep which I found so cute. Jaerin started squirming in my arms and I thought she would wake up but she fell back into a deep slumber when she found a comfortable position.

A few more hours went by and a doctor came to check up on me. Jin was the only one awake at the time so he took Jaerin from me as the doctor was doing my check up.

When he was done he told me I was discharged and could finally go home.

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