5. Traumatized

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"WAIT!!!" I yelled before they could get any further.

"What is it Tae?" Hobi asked as they all turned around.

"Um, uh I have to tell you guys something else." I said and fidgited with my fingers out of nervousness.

They all kept quiet waiting for me to continue.

"I...uh...I-I" I stuttered still not knowing how to start.

"Taehyung spill it already."

"Okay, okay... Y/N and I have a daughter." I said bluntly and waited for their reactions.

"WHAT!!!" They all yelled in union with eyes as big as golf balls.

Jimin hyung walked up to me as he started rubbing his ears with his eyes widened from the news.

"Please repeat what you just said. I don't think I heard you right." He said still rubbing his ears making me roll my eyes.

"Hyung you heard me right. I have a daughter with Y/N." I repeated making sure that they heard me clearly this time.

"Does no one use protection anymore?" I heard Namjoon hyung mumble in the back.

"It broke." I also mumbled while looking down and then heard some snickers from the background.

"How old is she?" Yoongi hyung asked.

"She is one and a half. Her name is Kim Jaerin." I said with a smile and warmth filling my heart as I thought of my beautiful little baby girl. Everything about her just making me happy.

"That's such a pretty name. I want to see her. When can we see her?" Jimin hyung asked as he and Hobi hyung started giggling and squealing like little girls.

"I have to see if Y/N is okay with you guys meeting Jaerin first." I reasoned making the two stop giggling.

"You have to ask for permission to make decisions about your own daughter? Aren't you her father?" Yoongi hyung asked bluntly and rudely along with a chuckle. He only recieved a smack on the head from Jin hyung.

"Yoongi, RESPECT. You do know that Y/N is the one who carried the baby for nine months, right?" Jin hyung asked.

"Okay. Mianhae." Yoongi apologized with slightly red cheeks. He never liked apologizing.

"Okay. Let's go to Y/-" Namjoon was cut off by some nurses running past us into my babygirl's room.

Panic started to arise in me as I heard shouting coming from the room. I ran in and the others followed closely. Everything started happening in slow motion from then on.

"D-don't c-come near me. S-ST-AY B-BACK." Y/N yelled while holding a mirrior shard near her neck.

My heart beating like crazy as I pushed through the army of nurses who were trying to stop her from doing anything crazy. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as blood dripped from her hand. It felt so weird to see her having this melt down.

"Baby..." I said as I took a step closer to her. A few nurse trying to stop me but I assured them by looking back for a moment.

"I-I S-S...SAID D-DON'T COME N-NEAR M-ME." She yelled stepping back hitting the wall and pressing the shard into her neck.

I took another step forward raising my hands to show her that I would not hurt her. She was shaking like a leaf which caused her to cut her neck. Fear diplayed in her eyes.

"My love please put the glass down... baby just listen to me." I said talking another slow step to her.

"N-no...NO! STAY BACK!!!" She yelled again but this time she took the glass from the table beside her and threw it in my direction. Everyone lucky enough to dodge it.

Taking a risk I move forward again.

"Hyuk please stay back." This statement shocking me. She thought I was that basturd. She thought I was going to hurt her.

"Baby no it's me Tae..." I whispered trying to assure her.

"Tae?" She looked at me questionably.


"No... no you are lying. You are not Tae. Tae would never hurt me. Tae would never hurt me..." she whispered back and held her head with both hands and looked down as if she was thinking.

I took this as a chance to try and get closer but she looked back up and started panicking again.

"H-Hyuk... I said stay back. D-don't hurt m-me again. J-JUST STAY...S-STAY BACK. please dont hurt me. P-please plea-se d-don't." She mumbled on losing focus on me for a moment.

I took the opportunity to jump to her side and take the shard away from her. I threw it away and wrapped my arms around her.

"NO! LET GO... LET ME GO." She thrashed around trying to break free but I held her in place. One nurse immediately came to us and sadaited her.

It took a few seconds for her to fall unconscious. I picked her up and put her back on the bed as the nurses did a check up and left the room without saying anything.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I thought of what happened just a few minutes ago. She could have been badly hurt or even worse dead if I did not stop her. It is all that basturd's fault.

I watched her peacefully sleep for a couple of minutes before standing up and turning to the others. They had sad looks on their faces.

"Jin hyung could you please do me a favour?" I asked looking down.

"Ya anything." He said .

"Could you please go pick Jaerin up for me from the XXX daycare and bring her here. I think it would be good for Y/N to see her." I responded quietly. He nodded before leaving with Jimin and Jungkook.

The room fell silent as the rest of us had nothing more say. The others went to sit on the couch while I sat on the chair next to the bed.

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