15. Can't

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"Baby." I heard a voice call out but I was too occupied with puking my guts out to even listen.

When I finished I cringe at the putrid smell and then slowly stood up. I turned to walk out of the stall but did not get far because of the person who stood in front of the stall door.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here? You should not be in the girl's restroom." I asked and his face seemed to fall at my words.

"I-I came to check up on you... Are you s-sick?" He asked hesitantly as he took a step toward me.

"No I am not but thanks for your concern. Now could you please move out of my way?" I tried to be polite but it came out rather harshly and rude.

"Ah... Yeah... S-sorry." He stuttered and moved to the side so that I could pass.

When I got out of the stall I washed my face and ate a mint so my breath would not smell. Just as I was about to walk out of the bathroom Tae stopped me.

"Love, are you sure that you are okay?" He asked as he held my wrist and I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Yes I am. Now please let go and stop calling me that." I replied and removed his hand from my wrist.

"How can I not call you that when you are my love? You are my everything Y/N... P-please just give me a second chance." He said and without giving me a chance to reply crashed his lips into mine.

I tried with all my might to resist and not given but I couldn't. Gradually I started kissing back with the same passion and desire as him.

After a few minutes my sense hit me like a wrecking ball and immediately pushed him back with all my strength. He stumbled a bit but managed to catch himself before he could fall.

"Taehyung please don't ever do that. We broke up! You can't just go around kissing me like that whenever you want! You have no right!" I spat out angrily but shrank down a bit as I saw the anger flash in his eyes.

"Yes I can just kiss because you are mine! You are the one who broke up but I did not agree so I still have every right to kiss you whenever I want." He spat out just as angrily.

"No Taehyung. You can't just say something like that. My word counts for something. And if you want us to still be on good terms then you can't just be going around pulling stunts like this." I responded and walked out before he could say anything more.


The rest of the day went by just as slowly as the beginning or even slower because of what happened with Taehyung. So when the final bell rang I could not be any happier. School really was a hassle.

But as I was walking toward the gate someone held my wrist and pulled me back slightly. I turned and and slammed fist into their face before I could even see who they were. Good thing was that they let go.

"Oww..." The person moaned in pain as their hands flew up to their face.

"Oh my gosh Tae. I am so sorry." I said as I saw that it was him.

Snickers were heard in the background and I soon realised that his friends were standing around as.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I turned to him but felt bad as I saw blood dripping down his face.

"Ah... It's okay even if you did break my nose." He said and tried to smile but only hissed in pain afterwards.

"Well it is your fault for sneaking up on me like that." I said.

"Well I did not expect you to hit me so hard either." He fired back and an awkward silence followed, only to be broken by friends who were still laughing at him.

"Um so what do you want?" I asked as no one else was saying.

"Oh yeah... I want to firstly I wanted to apologize for my behaviour earlier. I should have never treated you the way I did or forced a kiss on you. I'm really sorry. I also wanted to ask if I could come and see Jae today?" He asked sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand while the other was cupping his nose that had finally stopped bleeding.

"Well thank you for apologizing and taking my words seriously. And you can some around at six-ish to see Jae. She'll be really happy to see her daddy." I responded and shot him a small smile.

"Okay. I'll see you later, I guess." He said sadly though.

I guess not going home together or living together was showing its effects.

"Yeah... Um bye guys." I smiled at all of them before walking to my car.


"I'm home!" I announced as I walked through the front door.

"Y/N, did you tell him?" My cousin Andrew asked as he saw me and did not even bother to greet me.

"Well hello to you too Drew. Where is Jae?" I asked completely ignoring his question.

"She is taking her afternoon nap... And don't ignore my question Y/N. Answer me. Did you tell him or not? He has the right to know." He pestered even more making my mind drift to what happened this morning. I slowly shook my head as tears started welding in my eyes.

"I-I... W-we broke up." As soon as the words left my mouth I burst into tears.

Andrew immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I began crying even mores as I clung onto him trying to get more comfort.

"I'm really sorry about that Y/N but you know you still have to tell him." He pressed on to the matter as he held but I shook my head.

"I-I can't... I just can't." I mumbled before crying more.

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