26. Confession

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Y/N slowly opened her eyes in confusion as she felt a pair of soft lips gently kiss her own. At first she thought that she was still dreaming until she realised she was not. With all her strength she push her the person off of her her and switched the light on.

When her eyes saw who it was that had been kissing her she couldn't help but to let out a loud gasp.

"What the hell do you think that you are doing?!" She loudly screeched as she began to wipe her lips in pure disgust.

"Earlier you asked me why I hated you so much, well that's the reason." Katy casually answered making Y/N look at her in confusion.

Katy couldn't help but go roll her eyes at the girl's cluelessness as she sat on the edge of the bed which made Y/N pull her legs toward her body and puss herself against the headboard.

"I love you... I've loved you for so damn long but you never even spared me a single glance which led me to doing what I did..." She explained.

"Are you out of your damn mind?" Y/N asked finding it very difficult to wrapp her head around the words that Katy had just said.

"Not at all. I am very sane... You know when I first saw you in middle school, it was love at first sight but you never even paid attention to me... it made me so angry that some of that love slowly began to turn into hate... why couldn't you just love me back Y/N?" Katy asked and to say that Y/N was flabbergasted would be an understatement.

She racked her mind in search of any memories with Katy from middle school but came up empty handed. She did not remember knowing Katy until she got to high school.

"Katy w-we... we only met in high school." Y/N said shakily as she scooted even more back if that was even possible.

"NO WE DIDN'T! WE MET IT MIDDLE SCHOOL!... it was the first day of spring that we met... you had just bought an ice cream but unfortunately you ran into me making it fall... you were so upset and I bought you a new one which made you happy again. You thanked me with that beautiful smile of yours which I fell for." She said crazily and immediately Y/N's mind thought back to that day.

She didn't even know that it was Katy. That girl was so nice and nothing like this Katy that she now knew.

"K-Katy I didn't know that it wa-." Y/N said but was cut off by the other girl moving forward and pointing a knife at her five and a half month pregnant belly.


"Why couldn't you just remember me like I remembered you? I did so many things for you to love me back but instead I had to watch you fall for that stupid Kim Taehyung and have a child with him... You could have just loved me back and we would have that beautiful family!" Katy continued.

Y/N's mind tried to comprehend everything but it was just difficult to do so. How could Katy be in love with her? She thought that she was in love with one of the Bangtan boys more specifically Taehyung. And did she know that she and Taehyung had a child before all of that?

"Yes I did... I found out that you were having a baby the same day you found out and that is what sent me over the edge." Katy answered Y/N question.

Y/N didn't have to say anything because Katy could practically see the questions in her eyes.

"I-I" Y/N stuttered not really knowing what to say. Her mind was blank from everything she had just heard.

"W-why did you make your brother rape me then if you loved me so much?" Y/N asked remembering that horrible day.

"BECAUSE I SAW YOU AND THAT BASTURD KISSING ON THE ROOF! YOU NEEDED TO BE PUNISHED FOR CHEATING ON ME!" Katy yelled as she got on her knees and shoved the knife toward Y/N's stomach.

Luckily Y/N managed to thrust herself away to the side but it only resulted in her falling off of the bed. This felt like and a nightmare and she hoped that she could just wake up from it.

"My father wants to send me to jail but I won't let that happen because you are going to die now and I will follow immediately after. Hopefully in the next life we will end up together otherwise I am going to keep finding you and killing you until we do end up together." Katy said and stalked toward her while she moved back until she hit a wall.

"PLEASE DON'T!" Y/N yelled in pure fear as grabbed ahold of Katy's hand that trusted the knife toward her stomach once again.

At this moment she didn't care about her life. She only cared about the baby's and wanted to make sure that it was alright.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" Y/N yelled at the top of her lungs as Katy tried to overpower her.

"FXCKING SHUT UP!" Katy yelled as she managed to push Y/N down on her back and straddle her while still fighting for possession of the knife.

"HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE!" Y/N yelled continuously as she still fought for the knife with all her might.

She knew that if she lost then she and her baby would lose their lives. Jaerin would lose her mother and younger sibling while Taehyung lost his child and the love of his life.

The thought of her family being in pain gave her more motivation and she began to fight back even harder. She managed to push Katy off of her and now she was the one straddling Katy.

Just as the door slammed open she removed on of her hands away from the knife and and sent a harsh blow to Katy's face which made her see stars for a few seconds.

Not to long after Y/N's body was pulled off of Katy's which led to her leaving the knife in Katy's possession.

"GIVE HER BACK!" Katy yelled and quickly stood up to try and lung at Y/N with the knife but was stopped by her father who seemed to appear out of no where grabbing her from behind!

"DADDY LET ME GO!" She yelled as thrashed around in his hold.

"Katy please stop." He pleaded with her as he held her even tighter.

At the sound of his cracking voice Katy immediately stopped. She turned to look at him and when she saw his crying eyes she immediately let go of the knife. She felt her heart drop.

Never in a million eyes did she ever want to see that look of dispointment and sorrow directed toward her.

"D-daddy..." She whispered as she let her tears fall again.

"I'm sorry."


She softly knocked on the door and anxiously waited for it to be opened.

After Katy's apology the police burst in and arrested her. Apparently one of their workers called them after hearing all of the commotion that  was happening in the room. So what was supposed to happen the next day happened tonight.

Hyuk told the police everything and soon he was in a jail cell next to his sister awaiting trial.

And lucky for Y/N during the check up they told her that the baby was alright and that she could go home that same night. The mayor offered to take her back to his house but she immediately refused wanting to go back to her own house. His house held to many bad memories and she didn't even think that she would go back her things left there.

Inside she heard the voice of Taehyung mutter a string of curses as he wondered who the hell was ringing his doorbell this late at night. Y/N couldn't help but to let out a giggle as she heard him trip and let out even more curses.

"WHO THE HE-" his words got got in his throat as he saw her smile face.

"Y/N..." He whispered as tears began to fill his eyes.

"I'm back baby and I am never leaving again." She whispered to him and that was all it took for him to scoop her up in one of his loving bear hugs.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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