25. Out

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The following day Y/N couldnt help but to be in high spirits after her video call with Taehyung. They ended up staying up late just talking. He made her feel so much better and she didn't think that anything would ruin her day... well that was until Katy came into her room uninvited.

"What the hell do you want in here?" Y/N asked with an annoyed tone in her voice as she put the book that she was reading down.

"I just wanted to tell you that I hate you so much." Katy responded as she just stared back at Y/N who in turn just rolled her eyes at the declaration.

"I already know that by heart Katy. You don't need to come tell me that every chance you get... so now tell me what you are actually here for or just leave my room right now." Y/N said without moving her eyes away from the other female.

"I guess you got me there." Katy paused as she smirked before looking down at her lap for a couple of seconds before looking up and staring directly into Y/N's eyes.

"Truth is I have come here to make a deal with you. I want you to break up with Taehyung and in exchange I will tell my daddy the truth and you will be able to go back to your child." Katy explained which made Y/N look at her like she had just gone crazy or grown a second head.

"You really are out of your mind aren't you? I am not going to break up with my boyfriend. The truth might take some time to come out but it eventually will and then you and that pig brother of yours will spend the rest of your lives behind bars." Y/N sneered making her chuckle softly.

"This is a one time offer Y/N. Are you sure that you want to pass it up? Because after this I am going to make sure that your life will become a living hell." Katy threatened which led to Y/N letting out her own amused chuckle.

"I'm not scared of you Katy and nothing you do will make this any worse because I am already living in hell in this house that belongs to my rapist and bully. You separated me from my boyfriend and child and nothing is worse than that... I really can't understand why you hate me so much. What have I ever done to deserve so much hate Katy? What did I do to you?" Y/N asked in a desperate tone but Katy coukd only scoff.

"You've done plenty enough and makes you even more dispecable in my eyes because you don't see what you are doing." She answered as she began to make her way to the door.

"And because of what you have done you are going to pay." With those last words Katy walked out of the room leaving Y/N very confused once again.

The person who was listening in having long gone to their room after they heard the conversation. He slowly sat down as he began to piece things together as he now realised why his sister was doing this.

He realised that the girl she would always talk about was Y/N.


Slowly he brought his fist up to softly knock on the door. When he heard the come in he opened the door and quietly walked into the room.

"Ah Hyuk, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" His father asked as he stood up and walked toward him.

"Hyuk, what's wrong my son?" Mr Bae asked as he saw the sad look on his son's face.

"I-I have something you tell you." Hyuk whispered not being able to look his father in the eyes.

The older male didn't say anything as he just stared at his son and waited for him to continue. Hyuk moved away from his father and turned back to look at the door as tears began to weld up. He couldn't believe what he had done and he also couldn't understand why he only started feeling guilty now.

"W-what Y/N said was true... I-I... I r-raped her and Katy was the mastermind behind the whole thing." He confessed quietly but his father managed to catch what he said.

"What?" Mr Bae asked and shivered as if someone had just dumped a bucket of cold water on him.

Hyuk didn't say anything as he just continued staring at the door infront of him. The only difference now was that his tears had been to roll down his cheeks.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME HYUK?!" The older man yelled and forcefully turned his son to face him.

"LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME DAMMIT!" The man continued to yell as he harshly took a hold of his son's chin and forced him to look at him.

"Tell me what the hell you just said..." He sneered making thing younger male flinch.

"I-I raped Y/..." before he could even finish his words he was knocked the ground by a had smack from his father on the cheek.


His heart broke at the thought of his own children hurting some on so badly. He thought he had raised them to be good people. If he had known the truth he would never have found himself infront of her house.

"Fathe-" Hyuk started but was once again cut off by his father.

"Don't you dare call me that! If I was your father then you would have never disrespected that young woman in such a way!" The older man spot out as he slowly sad on his desk and began to cry into his hands.

He couldn't understand where he went wrong. He did his best to raise them well without their mother in the picture but it seemed he did everything wrong if this was the result he got back.

"F-father pl-please... I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry!" Hyuk bowed until his forhead touched the ground and he then he began to cry out.

He could not bear to hear his father cry... his hero. Why did he have to disappoint him in such a way.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry!" Hyuk said repeatedly as he cried but the father did not want to hear those word especially when they were directed to him instead of the young lady.

"SHUT UP! I am not the one who needs to hear these words. You should be saying them to the poor young girl whose life you and your sister ruined... no wonder her boyfriend beat you so bad... if I were him I would have killed you..." He pause as he took a deep breath before looking down at his son.

As hard as this was to do he knew he needed to do it. They needed to know that their actions had consequences.

"Tomorrow morning we are going to the police station and you are going to explain to them in detail what you did to ms Y/N and why you did it. You will tell them about your sister's involvement as well... if you two want to behave like criminals then you will be treated like criminals and thrown in jail for your crimes." The older man said said making his son's eyes widen.

Hyuk wanted to protest but he knew that his father was a man of his words and when he said something he meant it. He remembered how there used to be rumours about him and his sister taking advantage of their father's power but those were not true. Their father never did anything to help them out of trouble when they deserved punishment.

Katy would just mension his name and immediately people would assume that he would do something so they always just made things go her way.

"Yes father." Hyuk said as he slowly stood up and headed toward the door.

"Only when Ms Y/N forgives you will I forgive the two of you." Was the last thing Hyuk heard from his father as he sadly walking out of the room not noticing the shadow that quickly disappeared around the corner.

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