17. Anger

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"How long are you going to wait to tell him?" Was the first thing I heard as I walked into the house and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

"Andrew, do you not know what greeting is?" I asked as I walked to the living room while he followed behind me.

"Don't try changing the subject. It's not gonna work this time. You've been back for a month now and I still don't see you trying to speak to him about it." He insisted and I just rolled my eyes again.

"Drew you know the reason why I am not telling him. Please just drop the subject already."I begged.

He didn't respond as he just sighed and walked away.

"MAMA!" I heard my baby's voice followed by footsteps.

"MY BABY!" I also yelled as she appeared from the hallway.

She ran to me and hugged my legs. Just seeing her cute little rum made my heart melt. My baby was the cutest thing in this world.

"M-miss you." She said as I picked her up and I couldn't help but to cover her face in kisses.

"My love I missed you too." I replied as I continued to kiss her.

"Miss daddy too! I wan dada!" She exclaimed as she give me her cute puppy dog eyes.

"Babe your daddy will come later to see you." I told her but her face slightly fell.

"But wan dada now." She said and I could see tears begin to weld up in her eyes.

"I know you want dada now but you have to wait a bit. Is that okay for my baby?" I asked her and she slowly nodded her head.

"O-ok." She replied before wiping the few tears that escaped her eyes.

I smile a bit before pulling my baby girl into a hug and kissing her head.


"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Y/N asked Taehyung as she finished setting the table.

It had been a while since he came over to visit Jae and it was getting late. She would feel bad if he left without eating something.

"Ah yeah." He said as he couldn't help but to feel joy that she was allowing him to eat with her.

It would have only been better if Andrew was not with them. But as if Andrew read his mind he stood up to leave.

"Hey where are you going?" Y/N asked as she looked at her cousin who was by the door.

"Um, I wanna go for a walk. I don't feel like eating. Soryy." He said but she knew that he was lying.

"So you let me set a place for you at the table and now decide that you ar not eating. Real nice Drew, real nice." She said angrily which made Taehyung look at her.

He was confused why she was so angry. Normally she would brush these kinds of things off but today it seemed like she was not having it.

"I just want to get some air. I'm sorry that I made you set my spot." Andrew apologised but Y/N's fowl mood Just stayed.

"Whatever. Get as much as you freaking want then. Taehyung lets go eat. I don't have time for ungrateful people." She said before dragging him into the dinning room while Andrew stood by the door with a guilty face.

He felt bad that he upset her but he knew it needed to be done. The two needed to be alone to solve their problems.

He looked at the direction of the dinning room one more time before sighing and walking out of the house.

In the dinning room Taehyung sat tensely as he watched Y/N angrily eat her food.

"A-are you okay?" He hesitantly asked not wanting her to lash out at him.

"Of course I am okay!" She spat out angrily which made Taehyung flinch a bit.

It had been a while since he had seen her this angry over such a stupid subject. Seeing that she was not in the mood to talk he decided to quietly eat his food.

A few minutes of silence passed before Y/N said something.

"Tae I'm sorry for lashing out at you. Its just Andrew can really get on my nerves sometimes." She apologized and Taehyung could not help but feel his heart race though he was confused by her sudden mood change.

"It's okay." He said as he reached out to hold her hand.

"Are you okay now though?" He asked still holding her hand.

"Y-yeah I am." She said before awkwardly pulling her hand away from his when she realized how close they were getting.

Taehyung's heart felt hurt at this moment but he decided not to say anything. He was going to find a way to get her back.

I honestly don't know that this is...😐





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