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"Are you ready?" Taehyung asked as he looked at her before looking down at the envelope in his hands.

"As ready as I will ever be." She answered and tried to stop her hands from shaking but that couldn't be helped.

He ripped the top part of the envelope and tried to take the results out but was stopped by Y/N's hand harshly squeezing his arm.

"What's wro-" his words got caught in his throat as he realized that there was a puddle surrounding her feet.

His eyes couldn't help but to widen as he looked back up to meet her own widened eyes.

"It's t-time..." She stuttered in shocking not quite believing that she was about to give birth to her second baby.

"OH MY GAWD!" Taehyung yelled as his mind went into a panick.

Before Y/N knew it she was watching her boyfriend run upstairs and not even a second later he came back down the baby bag. She couldn't even say anything as he ran passed her and out the front door.

She couldn't help but to let a breathy chuckle as she slowly walked to the door remembering the first time she was in labour. Saying that Taehyung lost his head that time would have been an understatement.

When she walked out the house she saw his car reverse out of their driveway before driving down the street.

Had he really forgotten her?

She slowly saw down on the stairs before rubbing her stomach waiting for her boyfriend to remember the most important thing about having the baby.

As she glanced down her nine month baby she couldn't help but two wonder why the baby decided to make its appearance now instead of waiting a few minutes so that they could see the results of the test.

Not even ten minutes later she watched as her boyfriend's car parked infront of their house. She and Taehyung made eye contact through the window and she immediately shot him a glare which made him gulp.

"I'm so sorry baby!" He said as he got out the car and came to her.

He helped her up before leading her to the car. When they were both in he carefully began his drive to the hospital. He apologized a few more times but she told him thst it was okay.

When they arrived at the hospital Y/N was fully in labour as the painful contractions began.

"The boys will be here soon with Jae." He told her as he sat beside her bed.

"A-nnd Andrew?" She asked as she scrunched her face in pain.

"I called him too and he will arrive a little later since he is about two hours away from the hospital." Taehyung answered as he held her hand allowing her to squeeze it through the pain.



After a few hours of blood, sweat and tears the new baby was here. Taehyung couldn't help but to cry more as he looked down at the little baby boy in his arms.

"Do you wanna see the results now?" Y/N asked as she watched the two lovingly.

"N-no not now." Her boyfriend answered not looking away from the sleeping baby.

His heart told him that he didn't need to look at those results because from the moment he saw this little boy he knew he was he is son. His heart told him that he was his just like the first time he saw his little girl.

There was no doubt.

"Welcome to the world Kim Haneul..." He whispered before gently kissing his son's forehead.

*Mr Bae*

"What does it say sir?" His assistant asked as he tried to get a peak at the paper but still got nothing.

"Kim Taehyung is the father not Hyuk."

Thank you all for supporting this story. I know I was supposed to post it before May but I had WiFi problems. I hope everything makes sense.


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