23. Rude

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"I'm glad you made the right choice miss Y/N." Mr Bae said to Y/N as she got into the car but she did not respond.

Tears began to build in her eyes as the car began to move. Only when she looked back did her tears fall as she saw Taehyung standing at the front door with his own tears sliding down his cheeks.

It broke her heart to see him like this but this was something she had to do. She need to do this to keep her family safe.

Only when she didn't see him anymore did she sit properly facing the front. The other three just watched as she silently cried for her lover.

"There is no need to cry miss Y/N. I assure you that living with us will not be as bad as you make it out to be." Mr Bae said trying to give her some comfort but the words only brought more misery for her.

She would be far from her family and living with her rapist and his family. It was the second worst thing that she could ever imagine happening to her.

"How can it not be when you forced me away from my family. You are forcing me to staying in the same home as the person who raped me." She said and glared at the mayor who in turn glared back.

"I know you don't like my children Ms Y/N but I do ask that you do no accused my son falsely of such horrible accusations. I know Hyuk would never do such a thing." The father defended his son.

Hyuk on the other hand looked down in guilt as he remembered that day. Though he would not admit it he actually felt really bad for what he had done but now was being blindsided by the fact that she had tried to keep his child hidden from him.

"Well then you don't know your son as well as you think. He raped me. This child is mine and Taehyung's... and even if it was Hyuk's, he wouldn't have any rights over it because of the basturd that he is." She said lastly before turning to look out the window.

She was so done with this family. They were all the same. A heartless family.


"Welcome..." Mr Bae said as soon as they walked into the house.

Y/N couldn't help but to roll her eyes as she trailed behind the three.

"Its not welcoming if you are forced to be here." She whispered sarcastically but the other three heard it.

"You should appreciate our help instead of giving such sarcastic remarks." Katy said rudely as she rolled her eyes making Y/N glare at her harshly.

"I never asked for your damned help or for you yo come and fxcking bother me. I was doing just great at home with my boyfriend but you and your family ruined it, so don't come here and tell me to appreciate something that I never wanted or asked for!" Y/N exclaimed angrily making Katy shoot her own glare at her.

You are carrying my brother's child so whether you like it or not you will get our help!" Katy yelled and took a step toward Y/N.

"THIS CHILD IS NOT HIS! AND EVEN IF IT WAS HE WOULD NOT HAVE ANY RIGHT OVER IT BECAUSE HE RAPED ME AND YOU FXCKING HELPED HIM BECAUSE OF YOUR PATHETIC HATE FOR ME!... What have I even done for you to hate me so much... I did nothing wrong to you!" Y/N spat back as she got ready to attack the girl infront of her but was stopped by a skin crawling touch.

She immediately jumped out of boy's hold and turned to glare at Hyuk.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH ME YOU PIG!" She yelled, her words full of hate.

" Alright! That's enough... Everyone please calm down!" Mr Bae said causing a silence to fall upon then.

"Hyuk, please show Ms Y/N to her room because I do not trust her and your sister to stay civil." He said and immediately Y/N sent him the harshest glare that she could master.

"I am not going anywhere with your shxt of a son. If I am going to live in this house I don't want any of your children near me. It's either you or someone else helps me not them." She said as she held the eye contact with the mayor.

"Aright then... Etta!... Etta will help you with everything that you will need in the time that you are here." He announced as a beautiful older woman walked into the room.

"This way miss." Etta said as she began guiding Y/N.


"Ms Y/N, it's time for dinner." Etta said making Y/N roll her eyes at the thought of just eating with those horrible people.

"Well then please tell the mayor and his children thst I am not interested in having dinner with them." Y/N said without getting up from her position.

Ever since she had arrived in this room hours ago she had not left. She knew it was not good to starve herself but she could not bear the thought of seeing those people anymore.

Not even five minutes later there was a knock on the door making her roll her eyes again. The person didn't even wait for her to respond before they opened the door.

"Ms please stop making things so difficult. Just come and eat. I don't want my grandchild to starve." The mayor said and immediately Y/N sat up.

"You are the one who made things difficult by forcing me to come live in my rapist's house. And if I am going to be miserable in my stay here then I am going to make sure that you are all miserable as well. And don't ever call my child your grandchild because this baby does not belong to that piece of shxt you call a son." She responded angrily making the mayor sigh.

"I will tell Etta to bring your meal her but this will be the first and last time this happens. From tomorrow onwards you will eat with my family and I." He said and began heading back out.

"In your dreams." Was the last thing he heard before closing the door.

This story is kinda boring😭 when I started with it I actually had a lot of hope for it but now...

Fun fact:
This book's plot was inspired by something similar that happened in my high-school before I graduated... It's not the rape thing just incase you are thinking that.


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