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Jungkook pov

I just got home after a long day in college. As usual, Jimin and I would walk to each other’s rooms after entering the house.

I went into my room and throwing my bag into the corner of the room. I lay down on the bed and buried my face in the pillow.

Today is very tiring. I have to deal with insults and bullying about my relationship with Taehyung. Yes, Taehyung. Since the case in that class, the news about Taehyung scolded the person who laughed at me, spreading quickly.

Everyone looked at me weirdly and disgusted because they thought I didn’t match Taehyung. They say Taehyung deserves better people than me who is ugly.

It really hurts when I hear them say that but I recovered when Taehyung suddenly hugged me from behind. He put his nose on my neck and sniff my scent.

I feel calm and warm to his actions. I felt like there were butterflies flying in my stomach. I want to feel this feeling forever.

While the people who were there too, felt jealous and angry. Why not, I'm Jeon Jungkook, the most bullied nerd in college, hugging Kim Taehyung which is the most popular guy in college even after just studying for a week.

I bet people will hate me more now. But that doesn't matter. The important thing right now is my feelings for Taehyung.

I love him or not? I feel happy when he is by my side. I want that feeling to last a long time. But I’m confused as to whether this is exactly my feeling or just my attraction to him.

And also, does he feel the same way I do? Will he be loyal and not leave me like the others? Like mom, dad, alpha and luna. They left me to protect me.

Suddenly, I began to feel scared and worried. Will the same thing happen to Tae if we are together. What if he dies because he wants to save me? What should I do? Should I reject him to save him? Or accept him for my happiness?

The longer I think the more it roaming in my mind before being startled by the sound of my phone.

I reached for my phone and read messages from Tae. Yes, I just remembered. Tae gave his number before I got home.

I opened the message and started typing.

Jungkook, are you home safely?

Yes, thank you for caring.

Of course I care, you're my mate.


What are you doing?

I am relaxing in the room. You?

I just took a shower and wanted to sleep for a while.

Then, good night👋😊

Good night 💕❤️

I read the last messages Tae sent. Why does he put a love emoji? What does it mean? I close my phone and ignored my thoughts earlier. It definitely doesn't mean anything. Yes, it's nothing.


Taehyung pov

I looked at the last message I sent to Jungkook. I sighed, well that's the first step for now.

I close my phone and put it on the bedside table. I comforted myself in bed to sleep before falling asleep.

"HELP!" someone's scream startled me instantly.

I got out of bed and ran downstairs. Up below, I saw everyone surrounding something.

I saw the chaotic atmosphere. Everyone whispered to each other and some were surprised to see what was in front of their eyes.

Since I didn’t want to wonder anymore, I walked into the crowd. I coughed a little to get people’s attention.

They looked at me before giving way for me to get to the center. Arriving in the middle, I was shocked to see what I saw.

Infront of my eyes there was a member of my pack who was badly injured. His body was full of bruises and blood dripped from her torn hands. I felt his heartbeat before breathing a sigh of relief when I heard his heart still beating.

I instructed our pack doctor to take him to the room for treatment. I looked towards another pack member who was not seriously injured.

"What happened?" asked me.

The man I knew as, Jo, looked at me and let out a heavy breath. He was silent for a moment before answering.

"We don't know. It all happened so fast and in the blink of an eye," Jo said, bowing her head. Surely he felt sad because he was the one leading the group.

"Take a deep breath and tell me everything," I said trying to calm the man's mind.

I told him to get up and follow me to my dad’s office to talk. My dad wasn’t in the pack because he visited another pack for a week. So I as the next alpha, I was empowered to take care of the safety of the pack.

As soon as Jo and I entered the office, I kept the door locked to prevent outsiders from entering. I instructed Jo to sit in a chair in front of my dad’s work desk while I sat in my father's chair.

"So, tell me everything," said I began to focus.

"So as usual, me and a few other pack members went out into the forest to hunt. When we walked home, we were attacked. The first thing that happened was suddenly one of our members screamed. Then there was black smoke surrounding us and blocking our view. One by one our members screamed in pain and fainted. Luckily I wasn't injured very badly but Minjae was the worst. Five minutes later, the smoke disappeared and the atmosphere became quiet. I looked around and saw nothing or anyone but ourselves injured. It looked like nothing was attacking us. We all walked home to ask for help and that’s what happened,” Jo said and let out a sigh.

I was trying to digest what I had just heard. All that information is too confusing. Who can attack them in the blink of an eye and disappear just like that. I began to think deeply but found a dead end.

"Okay, thank you Jo for the information. I'll tell alpha about this and discuss with him. You can go," I said before seeing Jo get up and leave.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. It seems that I have to discuss this with my father. But he returned in four days, what if we were attacked again then? Can I protect everyone?

I took a deep breath and rub my eyes before entering the dream world. I am very tired.

WOW, it seems things are getting hotter !!!😆

What will happen next? Please wait for the next part❤️💕

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