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Taehyung pov

"A witch?" I asked in surprise.

Aren't only humans and werewolves created in this world. Why are there witches? Are they dangerous?

"I know you must be weird and shocked by this. Our ancestors in the past, only stated that there are two living things in this world, namely humans and werewolves. However, some of them have created a life by accident by using humans as experimental material,"explained my father a little.

Humans. Why did the ancestors do that? What's wrong with that human being used as experimental material?

"I know Tae you don't believe our ancestors were willing to do that. But in the past, humans considered us a threat. They killed our members, so your ancestors thought what's wrong with using a few of their members as well. Many humans were kidnapped and made experimental material. However, after a failed experiment that created a witch, we closed all experimental activities immediately. The human survivors were released and our ancestors promised to disappear to ensure human safety."

"Our ancestors thought it would end just like that because he had killed the witch. However, the witch managed to save himself and ran away from there. Your ancestors didn't care about that but they start to worry when many of our members die. All die due to magical powers. So to save everyone's life, your ancestor fought him along with his mate. They win because they are the strongest couple ever. However, they both died in the fight. The moon goddess was deeply moved by their sacrifice, so she gave them life again in the future."

"We were all very happy with the news but what the moon goddess told us next surprised us. Apparently the witch was also given the same opportunity because she was created unwillingly. So, our surviving ancestors made this book with the hope that, when the generation where the great couple arrived, they could defeat the witch again."

"Wow, Our ancestors is amazing,"I said excited.

"I know. But.....Tae,"said my father with a sigh.

"Yes?" I replied, looking at my father's face.

Huh? Why does dad's face look worried and scared? Everything is fine. And suddenly it hit me.

"Dad, don't say this is the generation," I said in disbelief.

If what I think is correct, the thing that attacked Jo was a witch who has come back to life. Which means the couple is back to life! They can both save us!

"Yes Tae, this is the generation. And you-"

"It means the couple is alive again! They will save us!" my screams cut off my father's words. I jumped for joy.

"Tae, listen to me first," my father said in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry, dad," I said with a grin and sat back down.

"It's okay. But Tae, the couple you said.... is you and your mate."



Author pov


"SHUT UP! You should be thankful I didn't kill you," the witch said angrily.


The man shook the iron bars of the prison. His wife just cried next to him.

"Hahahaha, you realize you've been trapped here for a long time. I believe your son is dead now. That boy won't be able to live alone. Pity, boy. Every days, here and there asking about the loss of Jeon Minho and Jeon Shinhye," said the witch with a laugh before flying away from there.

"No, I know our son isn't dead yet. He's strong and I'm sure he's safe. Isn't that right, darling?" asked Shinhye as she hugged her husband.

"Yes, darling. I'm sure he's safe," Minho said as he hugged his wife back.

They both slept there as usual. The prison was like their own home because they had been sitting there for so long. Although cold, yet they have each other to warm their body.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading 💕☺️

See you in the next chapter! 😎

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