1-The First Meeting

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○●○●Setting- the blackmarket of sota city○●○●

A secret trading for illegal substances of super chemicals to create future super-weapons such as L.O.T.H. was within the Black Market.
A group of Purifiers headed into a building. The leader looked into a case of a peculiar substance that produced radiation, which was maintained within a safe glass.
The man then looked at the Dealer and his gang.

"Well, a deal's a deal. Pay up, we want nothing to do with your...operations."

The Dealer said to the Purifier as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You will be rewarded right after you leave this room and you are not to share anything that has transpired here unless you want one of our living weapons to silence you.
L.O.T.H. is not too far from where we are."

The other Purifiers pointed their advanced weaponry at the Thugs and Criminals.
The Dealer scowled as he rolled his eyes.

"Typical, why did I expect anything different from you people?
You hate and despise anyone that isn't your definition of normal, you're ableists to the fucking extreme."

The Dealer said as he produced sparks of electricity and aimed one of his palms at the Purifier Leader.

"Just give us the fucking money asshole."

Meanwhile Zephyr was walking down the street with his white, bone like mask on and black sword in its sheath over his shoulder. He didn't care much for coming to the black market but decided to check it out anyways. As he walked around he stumbled upon the group and stopped, looking at them dumbfounded.

The two factions were too busy with each other to take any notice of Zephyr since they believed that they were well hidden from prying eyes.
The Purifier leader sighed in frustration and proceeded to activate a signal with his earpiece.

"I warned you, Filth.
You should reconsider your words before things become ugly in here.
You will have your money, and you will continue to get it, if you don't turn against us."

The room's temperature suddenly dropped as even some of the windows started to cool and started to freeze.
The two groups shivered from the cold, even hearing some of their teeth chattering.

"Ah, hell. You weren't joking were you?
How would I know that he wouldn't turn me into a fucking popsicle anyways"
The dealer stated in an angry tone.

He walked into the room surrounding his body with fire to keep warm along with getting rid of the cold in the room, he overheard that someone called L.O.T.H. which he had heard about for ages on tv was around and could create ice. He had heard about him for years, and he was eager to fight him as he searched around the room.

"Hello fellas, I heard that someone here can control ice, if that someone is really here you know killing people with ice isn't very cool. Fire would be better, makes it more excruciating for them y'a know?"

He said with a shrug holding the strap on his sheath which was over his shoulder.

The Purifiers looked surprised at the Intruder, and in reaction, some of them aimed their weapons at Zephyr after discovering Zephyr's powers.
The Leader scowled at Elect Dane who was the dealer.

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