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○●○●setting-Building In Forest●○●○

Osiris made his way back to his hideout in the forest as he was spinning his dagger in his hand. He had done a few fights and managed to get his strength back. He was in somewhat of a good mood, looking around.
"Hey tincan, You still alive?"
He said as he approached the ruined building that was covered in ice.

Well, so much for some quietness.
L.O.T.H thought grumbly as he started to get up from the icy floor within the old building, which had been covered in ice like before. He wasn't so sure why he decided not to get rid of the ice mask. Maybe it was because the other mask underneath just gave him nothing but disgust and shame.

L.O.T.H: the helmet of a super-slave.

He didn't want to continue to look at it in the ice mirror anymore, but neither did he want to see his face. So he chose to continue to wear the ice replica of Zephyr's mask.

"Gimme a minute."
He said with his damaged, static voice modulator as he gets up in his ragged black clothing, his cold armor underneath it. His legs were fully metal and shiny as the large mechanical feet broke the ice underneath. He still didn't like his new legs. His new companion, the spido367 droid was kept away safe in storage somewhere. He didn't want it to lose power.

Osiris chuckled looking at L.O.T.H's new legs.
"Wow and I thought you couldn't look any worse."
He spun his dagger one more time then put it away.

"Jee, thanks."
He said grumpily, he wasn't sure if the demon could sense him rolling his eyes underneath the two masks, but it wasn't like he could do much about that if it were possible.

Osiris had been gone for quite some time before he had been on his own adventure in the black market, on his way back here, he had decided to get food.

Just a tuna sandwich but the people had been too obviously intimidated to really have the courage to tell him how much the sandwich cost even if he had the money to afford it.

"It's better than falling every fourteen minutes or so."
He glanced down at his legs with a frown but then looked back at Osiris.

"So, not sure where you went,
but I had a visitor when you were gone."

"Oh? Do tell, was it that so-called admiral you've mentioned?"
He said smirking as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest.

"He speaks to me through a network connection, So no. Some dude in full black with the name Akihiko came in here and asked me if I needed help.
He wasn't exactly normal, otherwise, he wouldn't have approached me."
Alex stared at Osiris's now frowning and annoyed expression in confusion.
But he continued talking.

"So yeah, I left for the black market after he gave me bullshit advice on not going to strangers to fix my problems and do it myself. Which I gladly did. Some help he was."

"Getting advice from a stranger? How gullible. I'm surprised you didn't get robbed in the black market with those giant tin can legs."
He ignored the bit about akihiko and pointed at L.O.T.H's legs.

"What can I say, anyone would freeze if they touch me with their bare skin."
L.O.T.H wasn't sure why the demon was still mocking his legs, but it's not like he could show his annoyance with the masks hiding his expression. So instead he just listened to Osiris's comments.

He had recalled a news channel when he was out of the city, some inferno cyborg that was burning things and causing the attention of the authorities. There had been limited footage of the cyborg, but the horns coming out of the helmet was definitely Zephyr. He looked more advanced and stronger than Alex, due to recent technology advancements compared to half a decade ago.

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