3-A New Friend

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Setting-Alleyway/Urun center○●○●

A few days passed by and L.O.T.H. had a conversation with the Admiral. He was assigned to a new mission which was to take down Urun Center who had prevented the kidnapping of a small girl who had vast power over kinetics.
A few rogue super weapons were with Urun due to the Hero rescuing them, which threatened to expose the Purifiers to the city. So L.O.T.H. was sent to take them down. He also called Firefly for help due to what happened last time.

Zephyr had made his way to an alleyway across the street from the Urun Center. He had his mask on and his sword in its sheath slung over his shoulder. He leaned against the wall as he waited for L.O.T.H to show up.

L.O.T.H. appeared as he walked towards Firefly, he crossed his arms as he breathed through the helmet.

"Thanks for coming, my superiors aren't exactly aware of your involvement, but I'll be sure to pay you if I can."
L.O.T.H. then sighed as he looked around.

"Urun is one of my rivals in the Hero Association, he and Vine-guard stopped me from time to time.
But now with Vine gone, Urun is getting desperate. Hence, he somehow managed to convince some super weapons into helping him."

"So how much are you willing to pay me for this?"
He asked before even worrying about anything else.

"Oh, about six thousand, it's normal for me to rob things, or take things from dead traitors.
Anyway, I'm gonna formulate a plan."
L.O.T.H. then started walking to their destination.

"Sounds good to me, so what do you need me to do?"
He asked following a few feet behind L.O.T.H.

"Just prevent any escapes and overwhelm them. The superweapons are to be either returned alive or dead. Depends on if they are worth the effort to be kept alive."

"Alright sounds simple enough."
Zephyr responded as he unsheathed his sword.

Meanwhile, Urun and the two rebel superweapons had defeated a bunch of Purifiers.
Urun kneeled down and examined the dead soldier as Y.R.I.O. kicked one angrily.
E.C.U.Z. comforted the crying child.

"Hey, it's okay, you're safe now. They won't hurt you." The girl whimpered as she buried her face in his chest.

Zephyr walked over to the building and put fire around his whole arm then put his palm against the building causing fire to surround the building in flames blocking all the exits. He then made an opening in the fire for them to walk into the building.

The four looked around, sensing the smoke.
Urun frowned suspiciously as he activated his beams of energy along with Y.I.R.O and E.C.U.Z activating their powers of rock and force fields.

"Seres, hide...now!"
E.C.U.Z. yelled to the child to which she responded immediately and ran off. If needed, they'll try to make a new exit, as everywhere else was in flames. Urun sensed a cold presence approaching.

"He's here too."
He said angrily.

L.O.T.H. stood beside Firefly, his blades out and started at them with no feeling to it.
He was looking at Urun the most who stared back at him with a grim expression.

"E.C.U.Z. and Y.R.I.O. You are to return with me, failing to comply will only bring further consequences to your well-being."
L.O.T.H. then stared at Urun again.

"How nice to see you again, Urun. You convinced these two to help you, quite desperate of you. Ever since I killed two of your friends. Not exactly much of a loss anyway, you Heroes are corrupt scum bags anyway. So, you're not really that different from everyone else."
L.O.T.H. said coldly.

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