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Alex would be looking out into the street whilst sitting on the edge of a roof with his legs dangling from above the streets. His ice mask covers his face, with his grey hood over his raven hair.

Is that rich philanthropist really the Admiral?
No wonder they have such a hard time. The Admiral practically has the public on his side, maybe not entirely. But the Admiral admitted to Alex that he is Paia, yet they never heard of his last name. Tyres was a strange one to him.
What does it mean?

Marty climbed the ladder up to the rooftops with his hood on and put his hands in his pockets. He then looked around and saw a guy sitting on the edge of the rooftop. He wanted to warn him that it could be dangerous so he walked towards him.

Alex heard somebody walking towards him, causing his nerves to go up along with the hairs on the back of his neck go up. He balled his hand into a fist with frostbite surrounding it that laid on his lap.

Could somebody have recognized me at the bar? Was it a Purifier?
He'd slowly glance behind him a little bit and see that it was just some kid.

Thankfully no.
He would let out an exhale of relief. His fist softened, along with the frostbite dispersing.

When he got closer he stuck his hand up.
"Oi! That's dangerous man. Watch out so you don't fall."
Marty said out of concern even though he didn't know him.

He sounded young, which reminded him of his old self. Alex would make a soft sigh through the ice mask. He would speak in an older Japanese-American accent.
"Don't worry, I'm used to it."
He would say as he goes to look out at the street again.

"But thanks, kid. What's your name?"
He would ask, trying to distract himself from his thoughts.

"Oh ok..."
He answered back, he seemed to be American. "The name is Marty, what about you?"
He asked just to be polite.

Alex would be quiet for a moment.
He would say quietly, he was more comfortable and open around Zephyr so he didn't reveal much.

"So what are you doing here alone?"
He asked to get even closer and also take a seat on the edge of the building.

"Oh, me and my boyfriend used to hang out here."
He would say shyly, remembering his younger self in his mechanical armor as he held onto Zephyr for comfort and desperation.
"So...nostalgia I guess."

"Oh, sounds nice. Where is he now?"
He asked as he was looking around.

"Oh, he's at home, I promised him that I would return eventually."
Alex said with a slight shrug. He was a little nervous to take off his ice mask, but his voice probably would be the only thing required for a Purifier agent to recognize.

"You have any family?"
He asked softly. Alex wondered how his rich parents were doing, were they still hoping that he'll return someday? Or do they think he's dead like the public does?

"Well I have a sister...that's about all."
He said while slowly spacing out looking at the sky.

Alex responds leaving whatever happened to the kid's parents up to his own imagination.

"Well she is one of a kind. One of the only ones who actually cared about me."
He said as he smiled in the distance, he then shook his head.
"Oh sorry, I spaced out..."

Alex would smile at this, he would slowly take off his mask, he would have tired grey eyes whilst black hair fell over his face as he chuckled a bit.

"Same, my boyfriend is one of a kind as well, I thought this world was completely unmerciful and...that's alright, I sometimes end up spacing out."
He would glance at the kid with a small smile.

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