16-Little Raven

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○●○●Setting-Building In forest○●○●

Driving through the woods shortly after she met up with the man in the casino, the weird man who was there bubbling to her mind after a moment. His strange behavior made her cringe reflexively, it was like he had no social skills or something. It was this thought that distracted her in time to nearly run into a deer, swerving out of the way of the deer and stomping on the breaks, leaving new tire tracks along the freshly rained on road.

Once, she had come to a stop Emilia got out of her car, she was fine then got out and started to check on the car, looking back toward the deer to watch it hop away into the woods to either side of the road. Looking back, she could make out a distant house.

Storing her car off the side of the road, she headed up the driveway on foot. Her arms crossed over her chest to ward off the chill as she approached the house, not yet in sight.

Meanwhile Osiris was in the buding. He had a headache so he got a thing of pills from his pocket and took one with a drink of water. As he did this he heard the screech of tires nearby. He was sitting in a tree which had grown inside the building then stored his water away in a hole on a tree trunk. He took out his daggers and sat on the tree, ready to fight incase someone had followed him there.

Emilia walked up the unpaved driveway with her arms crossed over her chest in a protective self hug. Her green eyes glanced around the sides of the road as she headed up the path till she eventually spotted a building in the woods, a house it looked like. Though she couldn't tell if anyone was home.

She had changed from her usual black dress to something more casual before she left the casino earlier. She thanked her decision to wear boots today as walking up this road in heels would have been a living nightmare. By all appearances, Emilia looked like a lost black woman who was looking for a phone. Her pants didn't look to have pockets, and neither did her blouse. She stepped gingerly up the front steps of the house onto the porch and lightly knocked with the back of her hand on the door.
"Hello?! Is someone home?"

"My my, looks like a little raven has found my little hideaway."
He had a snarky tone well staying hidden on the branch of the large tree which had sprouted through the house a long time ago.

Emilia waited for a minute before knocking again and receiving more or less the same answer. The sound of birds chirping and the general noise of the forest was all that answered.

Looking back over her shoulder, she looked around the porch from where she stood, stepping to the side and peering through a window. It looked like no one was home...So no one would mind if she let herself in.

Checking to make sure she was alone Emilia placed a finger against the door handle in a gesture that should have done nothing more than a ladybug, the door started to clink and clank, as screws unscrewed themselves and parts fell away, soon the door was free from the door jam, and Emilia let it fall back. Peering into the house.

"I'm sorry about the door! It fell apart when I tried to knock, you should have looked at it."
She waited once again for a response that she was sure wouldn't come.

He stayed silent as he watched her, making sure to stay in the shadows of the house. In the living room part, a tree could be seen coming up from the ground and through the roof.  A few footprints would be on the slabs of roof leading up the tree.

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