19- Demon Hunter

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After spending some time with Alex, Zephyr decided to take a walk. He had on a black mask over his nose and mouth as he stared up at the dark sky as it was already night time. He wore his red hoodie which was zipped up and sweatpants. He had his hood on with his horns sticking out as he walked.

The sound of metallic footsteps was heard stomping their way here before stopping, the person sitting down at a bench and inhaling then exhaled, looking around the place and started to think of the events that had unfolded today.

As Zephyr walked he fixed his mask which started to fall down. Him and Alex had gained a lot of attention on the news so he kept his eyes out for anyone who was following him or looked suspicious to him. His horns made it pretty obvious that he was the masked person with L.O.T.H back on the rooftops on the news so he did his best to keep them hidden under his hood but unfortunately they still stuck out. As he walked he then saw the person sitting on the bench.

Theta looked over at him, since he didn't really follow the news that much, he wasn't aware of the situation as to what was going on. He'd give the individual a slight wave before putting his head down and would go back to thinking about recent events and of a person he started to like a decent amount.

Zephyr avoided looking at him in the eyes then sat down at a nearby bench. On a podium across from the benches was a wanted poster with a picture of Zephyr with his old mask and his horns showing. He pulled his hood down a bit over his horns but not by much.

Theta's head did not pick back up, he just sat there with his head down.
"So...Beautiful day ain't it?"
Theta asked as he attempted to cut the awkward silence between the two.

"I guess so, it's been a while since I was last here."
Zephyr responded as to not be rude. He kept his head down and looked at his phone.

"I guess so, it's been a while since I was last here."
Zephyr responded as to not be rude. He kept his head down and looked at his phone.

"Oh yeah? When was that?"
Theta asked as he now popped his neck and would pop his back a bit too.

"Hmm, probably a couple of months at the least."
He got chills as he heard the pops.

"Hmm, I'm going to assume that this is a childhood place or something?"

"Nah, more like just a place that isn't chaotic in this city."
He shrugged.

"Understandable. Really is a peaceful place if you want to just relax or whatever."

"I'm guessing it's the same for you?"
Zephyr asked.

"Mhm, it's a good escape for me, whenever i'm not collecting bounties and contracts."

A bit of worry was heard in his voice as it caught his attention.

"Yeah, I fight for money. You sound a bit worried there bud, you ok?"

Zephyr cleared his throat.
"I'm fine, so how much money do you usually get from it?"

"It depends on the individual or group of interest, it can range from hundreds if not thousands."

"Oh, so do you have any family or something? Do they know you kill for a living?"
He asked, looking up at the cold dark sky.

"No, not really...I prefer to not really get into that."

"Ah, for me my boyfriend would probably get pissed off if I killed someone. Then again he's pretty calm when it comes down to killing."
He thought out loud to himself.

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