Am I really Lucky...!!!???🤔🤔🤔

812 31 24

Hello Cutie's...kaise ho..?? Safe and sound from 2nd wave..???

Well, mujhe nai pathatha ki yeh Coronavirus ko mai ithni pyaaari bachi thi...until recently

Because She / He ( Coronavirus) came to me ONCE AGAIN saying "Hey , Hello, Let me take a tour in your body once again"

Dejha....kithna pyar hai mujpe...nai...??? (*banging my  head on wall*)

Yaaarrrrrr ....marr rahi hu mai yaha....this fuc***g virus is eating me from insides and drinking my whole enrgy with a straw.

Am I the only ONE Lucky Victim here who's been invited 2nd time also by this virus or Are there many Victims..??

If there...please tell me...i will keep you all in my prayers...thaaki hum sab jaldi teekhojaye.

Stay Safe.

Stay Hydrated.

Love you all from my bottom of heart.

Just Hang in there and Hold on the line...we can definitely win this battle with all our might.

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