Chapter 29

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She was completely frozen for a second, just staring at the scene in front of her. She felt vomit in her throat, almost puking but she was able to hold it back. What she was seeing couldn't be true... it just had to be some kind of fucked up prank. The person had noticed her, of course, because she had run the door down which had made quite a bit of noise. They were just staring at each other, the other woman's bright green eyes, flaming in anger. She opened her mouth to say something but Victoria cut her off, finally gaining her voice again: "Get away from him. NOW! Get away or I will end you!" She had never heard herself that angry before. Her heart rate was higher than she had ever thought it could get, she sounded dangerous...extremely dangerous, like she was ready to fight and kill her if she wouldn't leave immediately. "How pathetic is that? He needs his little friend to stand up for him. Listen closely, missy...I can do whatever I want to far as I know, he is MY boyfriend...not yours.", Carla was angry, definitely. Her thick black hair was messy...probably from whatever you could even call that...and she was only wearing a thin white shirt and some panties. Victoria stepped closer, trying to blend Damiano's crying out. She got threateningly close to Damiano's so called girlfriend, almost being able to feel her breath: "I'm gonna say this one time and one time only, so you better fucking pay attention. You I will give you exactly 2 minutes to grab your stuff and will not follow us around and you will not come near him ever again. If I ever...and I really mean EVER...see you anywhere near him or this band, I will personally kill you. I will go to your house and cut your throat...I know where you live and I am not fucking around. Now take your stuff and GO.", she wasn't yelling. Her voice was eerily calm which seemed to work. Carla's usually so kind eyes had a fearful sparkle in them and she did as she had told her, grabbing her stuff.

Victoria was still in shock...a million thoughts running through her head. She would've never thought that Carla, the one he loved so much and the one they were all friends with, was the one who was hurting him so badly. But how she was hurting him was the even bigger shock...even just thinking about it made her feel sick. Even more than that...she couldn't explain that feeling but seeing this, made her want to murder Carla in the most brutal and painful way possible. "Your two minutes are You will leave this country until tomorrow midday. I want to get a picture of proof. If not, you know what will happen. Don't take this lightly because right now you are lucky you are still alive. I really hope someone does to you what you did to him...take that as it is...coming from another woman.", her voice was almost like a growl, aggressive and serious while on the inside her heart was split in two. What she had seen made her lose faith in humanity. If a girl did that to the one she called the love of her life, what was there left to hope for? Before leaving, Carla turned around again: "Good luck, dealing with this fuck up. You might not understand it now but sooner or later you will lose your patience with him...and you will start doing the same thing as me. Because that's all he deserves...he's worthless." Those words hit her right in the heart. How could someone say that? This woman had to be pure evil...there was no other explanation for that. "One more word and you are dead before you get to even leave this shithole.", after that, Carla, who she had once called a friend, left. How could she have been so blind? She had always had a friend in her...they had had movie nights and shit like that and for what? Only for her to realize that she was a monster. She took a deep breath before returning to the she had to deal with Damiano.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

Congrats to those who suspected it had something to do with his were right :)

What do you think she was doing to him all this time? Let me know in the comments because you will find out for sure next chapter :)

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

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