Chapter 7

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Hey Guys!! Hope you are enjoying the story🤞....Guys please don't be silent reader. Please vote and comment too , want to know my flaws.

Anyways, enjoy reading :-)😘


Abhimaan's POV:

Yesterday was our 4 months anniversary. Things were going pretty well between us until she dragged her sister in our conversation.

Flashback Starts :

"Maan, I am really worried about di. It had been 4 months and she never tried to contact any of us" she said.

"So what, I don't care about her"

"How can you not fucking care about my sister just because she rejected you" she yelled at me and what does she mean by rejected

"Never ever raise your voice at me I don't like it and about rejection.... she is a fucking characterless selfish runaway bride who left both the families to face humiliation just for her own interest and yess I fucking don't care about your sister" I snapped at her and since that time I am avoiding her as I don't want to indulge in an argument with her.

Flashback Ends:

And now here I am sitting in the staffroom checking test notebooks. Shivika is good at maths undoubtedly before our fight whenever I asked any question she was the first one to raise hand in the class but now she is quiet, I don't like it but I am not going to admit it not atleast in front of her. I came out of my trance when someone tapped on my shoulder.

"I asked you something"

"I am sorry Miss. Ranuat, I was thinking something" I apologised and gave her a look that says continue your shit. Don't get me wrong but I am not very fond of Miss. Ranaut , she is very well aware that I am a married man, I am off- limits but she never miss a chance to flirt with me. I am pretty sure she never heard of the word self respect.

"Call me Shilpa please..... and I said its lunch time and its our..." I raised an eyebrow when she said our but she ignored me. What a bitch "....duty for this week to keep an eye on the students in cafeteria" she completed. I asked her to go before me as I have to use washroom but she being herself said that she will wait for me outside.

Miss. Ranaut was blabbering and I was either humming or nodding whenever she looks towards me. I was checking students when someone caught my attention and by the look on her face I can tell you that she is not taking the whole situation of Miss. Ranaut standing beside me very well. Miss. Ranaut raised her eyebrow when she caught me staring at Shivika but I just ignored her. Well I don't owe her an explanation for my behaviour.

Third Person's POV:

"Lately Abhimaan is giving a lot attention to Shivika and I don't understand why....she is just a little girl nothing compared to me " Shilpa akka Miss. Ranaut thought.

Both the teacher left to there respected classes after recess. Shivika was sitting with Siddharth and Amanpreet behind them with a boy named lakshaya. Today their maths teacher akka Abhimaan decided to merge science and commerce section for maths class as it was PT period of commerce students and they were lagging behind in maths.

"What's wrong with Aman.... Why is she avoiding me ?" Shivika looked at Siddharth and man was he pissed.." and why is she sitting with that douche bag" Siddharth said through gritted teeth. Shivika can't control it and started laughing at his cute expression.. she even pinched his cheek unaware of someone watching every action of her.

" Siddharth and Shivika ....GET OUT" Abhimaan said giving a look that says 'don't you dare to mess with me'. Both of them left the class without uttering a single word. And that thing pissed Abhimaan even more.

After class ended, Abhimaan and Amanpreet both were looking for someone but didn't find them. Abhimaan had to take another class so he left from there after some time. Aman searched for her best friends in the entire school but get nothing. Now she was standing in front of the washroom in third floor usually no one came here at this time as this floor is for junior students and it's already 7th period so no one is here as they left an hour ago. She was about to go back when she heard some voices ... as if someone is moaning
"I will kill you Shivika can yo..u do this to me... Only you know that I have..a c.crush on Siddharth " Aman was on the floor in the bathroom and was crying miserably and here it was damn hard for Shivika to control her laugh.

"So you have crush on me." Siddharth asked clearly ambushed by this brand new information.

"Does it matter... And Shivika ... How can you cheat on Abhimaan are a married woman shame on you " Aman said and started sobbing again.

" Wait Shivika you are married" Siddharth asked Shivika confused. At this moment Shivika was really pissed at Aman she fucking promised her that she won't tell anyone about her marriage.

"First of all Siddharth and I were just doing drama all the time so you can confess what you feel for him and promised me you won't tell anyone......I..I hate you" Shivika said and ran away from there. Aman ran behind her and Siddharth was standing in the washroom confused. It was hard for him to digest what just happened.

"Sorry Shivi ... I am really sorry" Aman said shivi was about to reply when Siddharth interrupted her.

" Enough of your drama... You can continue it later .. first' Shivi tell me everything about this drama you call marriage" Siddharth demanded. Shivi told him everything. Siddharth was angry at Anamika for running away like this.

Everyone blames Anamika for Shivika's marriage. But Shivika wasn't angry at her sister. At starting she was really pissed at her but no one knows her sister's past better than her so she can't remain angry at her for long.



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(Shilpa Ranaut )

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Do you wanna know about Anamika's past?? 🤷

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