07. for my own sake

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"Fine. I'll do it. I'll play with you, Lee Heeseung."

The boy's eyes opened widely as he stared wildly at Eun byul.

"Wait- what?! You mean it? For real?!" Heeseung questioned, a smile grew on his face, "You're not going to take it back right?"

Eun byul shook her head, "But if things don't go well, then I'll stop. Understood?"

He nodded his head showing a broad smile, "Of course."


"Mom, dad, Mr. and Mrs. Cha," Heeseung exclaimed while walking over to the dining table, "I have an announcement to make."

The parents had stopped their chatter as Heeseung continued to talk and Eun byul stood behind him as if she were his shadow.

"I'm going to be Eun byul's accompanist."

Eun byul's parents looked at each other with confusion and shock.

"Accompanist? Eun byul, you're going to play the violin again?" her mother asked with concern.

"Yes," she responded with a tiny voice.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's been 2 years since-" her mother continued to say, but Eun byul cut her off.

"Mom, I'll be fine. I already made up my mind."

"Okay, then, the best of luck to the two of you. The both of you have exceptionally great talent. I'll look forward to you two playing," Mr. Lee exclaimed.


Once everyone had left the Cha residence, Eun byul's family wanted to have a serious conversation with her. After all the trauma she had been through, playing the violin was the last thing her parents expected.

"Eun byul, are you serious about playing the violin again?" her mom questioned, "If he's pressuring you to play the violin then I don't want you to play."

"Honey, just let her breathe for a moment," her father exclaimed.

"Mom, dad," she began to say, "After living in misery for 2 years, I need to get rid of this feeling. I remember playing the violin made me so happy when I was young, but after Yeseo died, I couldn't even look at the violin. Heeseung is influencing me in a way and it's not necessarily bad. I think I'm old enough to understand what is good for me. And if playing the violin can help me get over my fear and get away from the past, then maybe I should try it. I just want to be happy again."

Her parents paused for a moment, thinking about what their daughter just told them.

"If playing the violin will take you out of your misery then I want you to try it. After all you gone through, we just want you to be is happy," her father responded warmly. Her mom nodded in agreement.


The next day...

As the school day progressed it was finally time for lunch. Heeseung had been waiting all day to talk to Eun byul about their music selection for the talent show.

"So, have you thought of a music selection yet?" Heeseung asked from behind her desk.

"No," she muttered, "If anything, nobody listens to classical music and that's the only thing I listen to."

"Well it's the musician in us," Heeseung exclaimed, "I was thinking we do some kind of k-pop medley. That's what's popular these days."

"Even if it's popular, it's not my style and I'm not good at interpreting music. But you choose something," Eun byul sighed.

"Okay, what if we chose some kind of complex music piece and blow them away. I'm positive we can get an invitation to the Seoul Nationals if we play that well," Heeseung said with excitement.

"Heeseung," she sighed softly, "I haven't played for 2 years. There's no way I can even get on stage. I might pass out or run away last minute. That's what happened last time too. I just agreed to play because I'm sort of holding an experiment."

Heeseung stayed quiet and thought hard. From the other side of the classroom, Jongseong saw the two talking to each other and it looked as if they were close already. It was bad enough that there was a new guy in town, but he was already befriending his love? Heeseung was already waving red flags to him.

"What could they be talking about so immensely?" he wondered.

"Eun byul, I just came up with the most amazing idea," Heeseung finally said with his big doe eyes lit up, "Meet me after school, okay?"

"Wait, but I normally go see Jongseong at swim practice-"

"It's okay, trust me. It'll be totally worth it."

A/N: hello everyone! i'm so sorry about the really slow updates. bc my 3rd year in high school counts the most i've been studying like crazy. so i'm not sure when the next update will be but don't expect one for a while. i'm truly sorry and thank you for your patience.

also tysm for the birthday wishes 💓

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