13. never leaving

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Little by little Eun byul had tried her hardest to get into the routine of practicing

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Little by little Eun byul had tried her hardest to get into the routine of practicing. At times she hated it and it pained her, but once her grounding was over and was free to hang out with friends again, she could finally practice with Heeseung. Playing with Heeseung almost felt as if she was free, running through a field of flowers even. Together, the two made improvements, ones Eun byul never saw coming, and before she knew it, the music festival competition was right around the corner.


2 days before the music festival competition...

It was 8pm and Eun byul had still not left the school building. She was doing a late night rehearsal with Heeseung and they had been vigorously practicing for 3 hours. Taking a quick break, Heeseung left the music room to grab a drink from the vending machine as Eun byul continued the practice.

Meanwhile, Jongseong just finished up swim practice and was heading back to the school building because he forgot one of his assignments in his locker. Walking up the stairs, Jongseong heard the soft melody of a classical piece echoing throughout the staircase halls. Following the song, it led him to the 3rd floor in which he found Eun byul practicing.

"Eun byul?" he called quietly to the girl facing the windows, in the dark with only moonlight shining through the classroom.

She turned around to voice and met eyes with Jongseong.

"Jongseong?" her head tilted, "What are you doing here still? I thought your swim practice ended hours ago."

"It just ended and I realized I left Mrs. Kang's literature assignment in my locker."

"Oh," her voice trailed off, "How've you been? It's been pretty hectic so we haven't been able to talk these days, right?"

"Yeah. Our race is in 4 days and it determines if we make it to nationals or not."

The atmosphere was silent and awkward. The two stood in the dark, avoiding each other's gaze.

"Ever since Heeseung came, you've been a little on edge," Jongseong began to say, "Look, if Heeseung is bothering you, then you don't have to play-"

"Jongseong," Eun byul cut him off, "I want to play the violin. I want to play again and find what kind of path this life will take me. And no kidding, I'm scared as heck, but I'm willing to try. I want to find my happiness again. I remember I was always happy on stage, but since I was the reason Yeseo is gone, I couldn't find the will to live. Every single day I question if I should be alive, if I deserve to live. If playing the violin again will help me, I'm willing to do anything to find my worth.

Jongseong sighed softly and approached her, wrapping his strong arms around her frail body.

"If this means you'll be happy again, then I want you to do it," he whispered sadly.

"Thank you, Jongseong," Eun byul smiled warmly, "I really appreciate it."


The whole school was decorated with bright streamers, colorful banners and posters, food stations run by students, and a grand stage in the school gym.

While everyone was getting ready for the festival, Eun byul couldn't help, but feel a shock wave of fear. She sat at her desk, tapping her foot ever so quickly and clutched her hands together.

"God," she prayed, "If you're there or if you even care for me, please help me. I'm scared I'm going to make a fool out of myself. I'm scared people are going to judge me harshly. I'm scared that Heeseung will get hurt because of me. I've atoned for my sins and gone to church begging for forgiveness. So, God, if you're there please help me."

Silent footsteps approached her and she felt someone lightly touch her shoulder.

"Hey, Eun byul," Heeseung exclaimed, "Are you okay? We're going to perform in an hour. Remember at 12:45 pm? Let's do a quick rehearsal and get ready."

"Heeseung," she gasped, "I'm sorry, I didn't even hear you come in."

"Come on, let's go to the music room," he smiled at her softly, giving her his hand.

She nodded softly as she took a deep breath and accepted his hand. The two began walking over to their usual practice rooms as dozens of students walked past them holding boxes full of decorations and food.

"What were you doing before I took you out of the room? Praying?" He asked jokingly, trying to brighten up the mood.

"Yeah," she responded seriously, "When I get anxious or stressed I pray. I used to pray a lot after we moved here because of everything I went through. You know, atoning for my sins and hurting people around me."

"Oh," Heeseung responded quietly.

"Heeseung, if I'm being brutally honest, I'm terrified right now. I'm scared of performing, I'm scared of what people are going to say, and I'm  scared I'm going to hurt you. If something bad happens I don't know what I'll do. I might just end up killing myself," Eun byul whispered in pain.

Heeseung stopped Eun byul as they made it to the stairs. He firmly grabbed her shoulders and stared deeply into her frazzled eyes.

"Eun byul, I'm not going anywhere. I swear I'm never going to leave you."

a/n: hi guys i'm alive!

i sincerely apologize for the slow updates. school has been pretty rough and i just recovered from a month long sprained foot injury. and unfortunately at the moment, i'm sick :( i'm not exactly sure bc what i'm sick w. but i'm going to the doc soon. that's all for now. thank you for all the love and support you've shown me so far <3

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