23. dazed

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It was 8 pm, the sun was setting, and Heeseung still hadn't found Eun byul

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It was 8 pm, the sun was setting, and Heeseung still hadn't found Eun byul. Seoul was so big that she could be practically anywhere whether she was hiding at a park or the narrow alleyway between stores. All hope seemed lost and he had no idea what he was going to tell her parents if he couldn't find Eun byul.

Meanwhile, Park Jongseong and the swim team arrived in Seoul 2 days ago. He was adjusting well to the city life, full of excitement and vigor to be in a new place and compete. He was dying to win at all costs. He and his buddies roamed around Seoul til 1 am every night, taking long walks,  playing basketball, going to karaoke, and eating the best food. His life seemed fulfilling even without Eun byul.

"What should we do tonight?" Yeonjun asked, throwing his arm over Jongseong's shoulders, "Should we go to karaoke or get some late-night snacks?"

"Definitely not snacks. We can't be out of shape before our competition tomorrow. I say we head back early to get some rest," Sunghoon exclaimed.

"Ugh, you're so boring," Yeonjun responded with sarcasm, "We should celebrate our accomplishment of making it to nationals! It's been 10 years since our high school made it."

"Then, why don't we do it with the whole team?" Sunghoon rolled his eyes.

"Alright guys, why don't we just make our lives less difficult and stop arguing," Jongseong butted in, "We can make a quick pitstop to the convenience store and then go back to the hotel, okay?"

Both boys nodded in agreement.

Finally, after walking a few blocks which felt like miles to both Sunghoon and Yeonjun, they made it to the convenience store, permeating the night sky with its bright white lights. Unusually, they heard eerie crying noises, interrupting the night silence.

"What is that sound," Sunghoon exclaimed, gripping Jongseong's shoulder.

"Don't tell me you're scared," Jongseong taunted.

"Bro, you gotta stop lying because I feel you gripping the hem of my shirt," Yeonjun deadpanned.

"You can't tell me you don't hear that sound? It sounds like a weeping girl," Sunghoon shivered, "What if it's a ghost?"

Jongseong felt his mind go blank as he quickly made his way around Yeonjun's back. The crying noise did not stop and sounded louder after each sob.

"Come on, let's go find out who it is," Yeonjun said as he walked towards the sound.

"You're an absolute madman," Jongseong hissed, "I'm not going near that."

"You both are," Yeonjun rolled his eyes, grabbing Jongseong and Sunghoon by the wrist.

Walking closer and closer, they found themselves near the crying girl. It wasn't until they arrived at a park that they saw a girl sitting on a bench sobbing, burying her face into her knees. She reeked of alcohol and cigarettes though her appearance seemed small and weak.

"H-Hey," Jongseong began to say, reaching for the girl's shoulder, "Are you alright?"

The girl looked up, with a red glowy face from the alcohol she drank and puffy eyes from all the crying.

"E-Eun byul?!"

She didn't respond and continued to cry.

"Eun byul what happened? Why are you here, by yourself, at night time, and in the middle of Seoul? How did you end up like this? Why are you drinking and smoking?!"

"That son of a bitch," Eun byul cried, "He lied straight to my face. He's a fucking asshole."

"Heeseung?" Jongseong scowled.

She nodded her head drunkenly, wiping the tears from her face. It was as if she was a helpless baby.

"That prick-"

At that moment her phone rang. Jongseong took her phone from the bench and picked up the caller.

"Eun byul, oh my god! Do you know how fucking worried I was? I must've called you 40 times and you didn't pick up. Do you have any idea what time it is? It's almost 10 o'clock! I was about to report you as a missing person if I couldn't get a hold of you. Look, I'm really sor-"

"Cut the crap, Heeseung," Jongseong growled, "I told you I would make your life a living hell if you hurt Eun byul again. She's sitting in the middle of a park, by herself. She's been drinking and smoking. Imagine what could've happened to her if I didn't find her. Do you have any idea how fucking dangerous it is to leave a teenager at night time? Anything could've happened. I don't want any excuses from you and I'm certainly not sending her back to you at the moment."

Jongseong hung up the line and turned back to Eun byul.

"Come on boys, we're going to take her to the hotel. She'll take my room and I'll sleep with one of you. I'm not letting her go near that prick."

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